
What are some not so fun fact?

What are some not so fun fact?

100 Totally Useless Facts That Are Too Entertaining for Words

  • No number from 1 to 999 includes the letter “a” in its word form.
  • Many oranges are actually green.
  • The opposite sides of a die will always add up to seven.
  • You are 13.8 percent more likely to die on your birthday.

What are some WTF facts?

100 WTF Facts

  • Animals that lay eggs don’t have belly buttons.
  • Mr.
  • Boanthropy is the psychological disorder in which patients believe they are a cow.
  • Camels have three eyelids.
  • There is a McDonalds in every continent except Antarctica.
  • Mosquitos are attracted to people who just ate bananas.

What’s a good fun fact?

Funny Fun Facts about Yourself

  • “My most embarrassing moment was…”
  • “I know it’s crazy, but I love to eat…”
  • “When I was growing up, my parents made me…”
  • “As a kid, I once did this really stupid thing, and it was…”
  • “I can’t stand it when. . .”
  • “Before I started my career, would you believe I was a…”
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What are 10 interesting facts you know about animals?

10 Random but Not-So-Fun Facts 1 Bunnies eat their own poop. Rabbits are foraging herbivores, consuming plants, leaves, and grass, which are fibrous and cellulose-rich in nature. 2 Only one in every 1,000 sea turtles born ever make it to adulthood. 3 Scallops have eyes.

Do you know these 10 not-so-fun facts about rabbits?

Here are ten not-so-fun facts that might make you cringe a little. 1. Bunnies eat their own poop. Rabbits are foraging herbivores, consuming plants, leaves, and grass, which are fibrous and cellulose-rich in nature.

What are some weird and mind-blowing facts about Australia?

“In Australia there is a plant called the Gympie-Gympie which has such a severe sting that horses who brush against it throw themselves off cliffs because they’d rather die than continue to experience the pain.” 22. “If you are an identical twin, it is possible that you and your sibling’s identities were swapped and your parents never caught it.”

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What are some mind-blowing facts about the human body?

If you are living in the USA you have a higher chance of dating a celebrity then dying from bird flu. Half of the cell in your body are bacteria. One testi**e hangs lower than the other to prevent them from smacking each other all the time. It takes roughly 8 seconds for human nipples (Male/Female) to get hard. Cyanide smells like almonds.