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Is fact a evidence?

Is fact a evidence?

Facts and Evidence are two legal terms that are used with difference. They are generally understood as one and the same thing to an untrained litigant, but strictly speaking they are different. Fact is a truth that can be proven. On the other hand evidence is something that is told by someone.

What is difference between fact and truth?

The difference between fact and truth is that fact is something that exists in real form, while Truth is the true state of a particular thing or a matter like a person, place, animal or thing. Well, facts are things that can be seen visually and can be verified properly.

Is it appropriate to say facts exist?

This is one reason it is appropriate to say that facts exist and statements are true or false. Facts can’t be true or false. Two, some people think that “facts” differ from “opinions” in that facts have been proven to be true. However, facts do not only refer to things we prove to be true.

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Can everything be proven true or false?

Everything is either true or not true, but not everything that is true can be proven true, and not everything false can be proven false. Despite this however, we can, in some cases, calculate the probability that something is true or not true, even when we can’t know for sure. The Technologies of Logic and Reason

Are facts true even though some are not true?

Although false facts are mostly outside the one for true, while still in the periphery of the one for fact. For similar reasons, birds can fly even though some birds have broken wings or happen to be penguins. And facts are true even though some are not.

Can a theory be true without being proven true?

Philosophically, truth exists independently of our ability to prove it true. Thus, a theory can be true or untrue. In the field of science, theories can hold different degrees of truth and experiments can be done to validate or disprove any given theory without it ever being proven entirely true or false.

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