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What did Han Solo owe Jabba?

What did Han Solo owe Jabba?

Han’s original debt was 12,400 credits. He managed to scrounge up about 2,400 credits from his meager savings and from calling in some favors, which is why his initial demand was for 10,000. He later agreed to pay Jabba an additional 15 percent in return for more time, which upped his debt to 14,260 credits.

Who owns the Millennium Falcon after Han Solo dies?

This is depicted in Solo: A Star Wars Story, as well as the integration of Lando’s droid L3-37 with the ship’s computer. After Solo’s capture by the Empire in The Empire Strikes Back, Leia, Chewbacca and Lando take possession of the Falcon.

Is the Millennium Falcon faster than the enterprise?

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The Millennium Falcon has a faster FTL speed than the Enterprise by many orders of magnitude. At sublight it’s debatable, but the Enterprise is probably faster. Impulse drive in Star Trek can move a ship at about 1/4 the speed of light, somewhere around 70,000 to 75,000 kilometers per second.

Did Han Solo work for the Hutts?

Under this new canon, Han Solo is shown working as a smuggler for Jabba the Hutt in some of the new Star Wars comic books from Marvel Comics, but the stories don’t go into much detail about the nature of his smuggling, and it seems unlikely that family-friendly Disney will show him once again as essentially being a …

Why did Jabba want solo?

Not without losing a considerable amount of face in front of the other Hutt clans and criminal syndicates that were always sniffing around for a sign of weakness. And that is why Jabba hired the bounty hunters. He was willing to pay far more than what Solo owed in order to send a message.

What was the giant creature in Solo?

The Summa Verminoth
The Summa Verminoth is a large tentacled creature that we meet in the Solo film. When Han is making their escape from Kessel they encounter the beast in the Maw just outside Kessel’s orbital pull. The beast is horrifying for a couple of reasons.

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How did Han lose the Falcon?

As laid out, the Falcon was stolen from Han by someone named Gannis Ducain, who then had it stolen from him by a couple of guys known as the Irving Boys, who then had it stolen from them by Unkar Plutt (the guy who Rey trades all of her scrap to).

What is the fastest ship in Starwars?

The Millenium Falcon is the fastest ship in the galaxy – just ask Han Solo, and he’ll tell you that she “made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.” According to Han, the Falcon has a Class 0.5 hyperdrive, which is definitely the fastest canon hyperdrive.

What did Jabba the Hutt say to Han Solo?

“If I told you half the things I’ve heard about this Jabba the Hutt, you’d probably short circuit!” After Darth Vader set a trap for Luke Skywalker on Bespin, Han Solo was frozen in carbonite and given to the bounty hunter Boba Fett, so he could collect the bounty Jabba the Hutt had placed on Solo.

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Why is Han Solo frozen in carbonite in the Last Jedi?

Towards the end of episode V, Han Solo is captured and frozen in carbonite to ensure the chamber works on humans, in preparation for freezing Luke Skywalker in the same manner.

Where did Han Solo end up after Boba Fett was given over?

Boba Fett has never explicitly worked for the empire or had any other motivation than the bounty he was tasked with, so the only place Han could end up after given over to Boba was Jabba ‘s lair.

What happened to Han Solo at the end of Rogue One?

Towards the end of episode V, Han Solo is captured and frozen in carbonite to ensure the chamber works on humans, in preparation for freezing Luke Skywalker in the same manner. The last we see of him, Boba Fett is wheeling him onto his ship to take him somewhere.