
What are boys expectations from marriage?

What are boys expectations from marriage?

He should be creative, open-minded and decent personality. A person with whom I feel like spending the rest of my life.

What do you say to a guy before arranged marriage?

Read through these and make sure you ask them before you are marrying a guy in an arranged marriage.

  • Question 1: Why are you marrying?
  • Question 2: What would you and your family expect from your wife?
  • Question 3: Would you have a problem if I work/study/travel for work after marriage/after kids?

What do Indian parents look for in a bride?

When searching for a bride, a man and his family are looking for the daughter-in-law that will join their family. She will be expected to adapt to the customs and needs of her new family and give birth to the children that carry the family into the future. The choice of a husband is no less significant.

What are the questions to ask a boy before marriage?

Questions About Relationship and Marriage

  • What is your idea of marriage?
  • What, according to you, is more important in a marriage, love or respect?
  • How, according to you, will our life change if we got married?
  • What would you do if we fell out of love?
  • What are your long term family plans?
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What boys want from their girlfriend physically?

A guy loves the way his girlfriend’s eyes glow when she comes to meet him. It’s such a simple thing that holds so much beauty. Guys really want their girlfriends to treat them with love and respect and as a part of your team when it comes to life decisions.

How do you know if a guy likes you in arranged marriage?

Arranged Marriage Setup? 10 Signs That He Is THE ONE!

  • Trust your instincts! Well this may sound superficial, it’s not.
  • You can be you. …
  • You can laugh with him.
  • Egos are given some rest.
  • There are efforts.
  • You feel safe.
  • He notices.
  • He completes you.

Why are Indian parents so obsessed with arranged marriage?

Originally Answered: Why do indian parents only want an arrange marriage? They are scared to the concept of love marriage they think its a Western concept and most of them believe in caste system . So getting a groom from same caste gets tough.

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Is Arranged marriage better or love marriage?

Arranged marriages provide equal stature, financial stability, cultural identity and the same opinions among partners and families, so, there is very less chance of disputes. The only downside to this is that partners do not know each other nor do they love each other before the marriage; well, most of the times.

What are the questions to ask a girl before marriage in India?

So, here are some questions that guys should ask to get to know the girl better before marriage.

  • Ice breaker questions.
  • Show interest in career and education goals.
  • Her marriage expectations.
  • Ask about duties towards her parents.
  • Ask about her lifestyle.
  • Ask about her choice of clothing.

What is the process of arranged marriage in India?

Process of Arranged Marriage. Arranged marriages in India are long drawn out processes, where finalizing the perfect match may take months and even years. In typical arranged marriages, the parents decide every facet of the process and the prospective bride and groom just show up at the prearranged date of marriage.

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How does an arranged marriage work in the US?

Arranged Marriage. In typical arranged marriages, the parents decide every facet of the process and the prospective bride and groom just show up at the prearranged date of marriage. The parents send out words through that they are looking for a match for their child through their social circle (neighbors and relatives).

Do Indian women have more control over their marriages?

Either way, she says she will have more control over her future than her sister. Arranged marriages are still the norm in India, but there’s a growing trend for some women to choose their own partners — or to not marry at all. Technology is also replacing traditional methods of matchmaking.

How did people get married in ancient India?

In case of royal families, parents arranged a Swayamvar, a ceremony where suitable matches from all over the country were invited. Thereafter, either these suitors had to prove their prowess to win over the girl, or the girl herself will choose one of them, by offering him a flower garland. Even love marriages and elopements were quite common.