
What should I do on my first trip to Japan?

What should I do on my first trip to Japan?

Tips for your first trip to Japan

  • 1 – How to bridge the language barrier.
  • 2 – Download some Japan travel apps.
  • 3 – Learn a few phrases.
  • 4 – Take photos of names.
  • 5 – Get a Japan Rail pass.
  • 6 – Buy your JR pass before you go.
  • 7 – Pack a Japan travel adapter.
  • 8 – Pack hand sanitiser.

What to do when you get to Japan?

Top 50 Things to Do When You’re Traveling in Japan

  1. Climb Mount Fuji [Shizuoka, Yamanashi] PIXTA.
  2. Playing with the monkeys at Arashiyama Monkey Park Iwatayama [Kyoto]
  3. Sing songs at Karaoke.
  4. Ride a Shinkansen.
  5. Experience the Otaku culture in Akihabara [Tokyo]
  6. Try pachinko.
  7. Eat ramen.
  8. Have tea at a maid cafe.

Where should I go in Japan for the first time?

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4 Must-Visit Destinations in Japan for First-timers

  • Tokyo, the Capital of Japan. The majority of first-timers to Japan make the country’s capital their primary destination, and with good reason.
  • Historic Osaka.
  • The Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto.
  • Hiroshima and Miyajima.

How long does it take to go to Japan for the first time?

Regardless of the length of your stay, Japan offers every tourist a memorable experience with amazing tourist attractions. For your first trip to Japan we recommend staying for about two full weeks.

What should you not do when visiting Japan?

If you’re planning a trip to Japan, here are a few cultural faux pas you should be aware of.

  1. Don’t break the rules of chopstick etiquette.
  2. Don’t wear shoes indoors.
  3. Don’t ignore the queuing system.
  4. Avoid eating on the go.
  5. Don’t get into a bathtub before showering first.
  6. Don’t blow your nose in public.
  7. Don’t leave a tip.

What do you need to learn Japanese?

How to Teach Yourself Japanese in 8 Simple Steps

  1. Learn to Read Hiragana.
  2. Become Familiar with Katakana.
  3. Familiarize Yourself with Kanji.
  4. Build a Core Vocabulary.
  5. Learn Basic Japanese Pronunciation.
  6. Get Familiar with Basic Particles.
  7. Learn Japanese Sentence Structure.
  8. Learn Basic Greetings and Expressions.

How do I prepare to go to Japan?

Here are 10 simple steps to prepare for your trip to Japan:

  1. Book Your Flight Online Or With a Travel Agent.
  2. Book Your Accommodations.
  3. Take a Pocket WiFi Device With You.
  4. Reserve a Japan Rail Pass.
  5. Read Blogs for Tips and Inspiration.
  6. Plan Out Your Trips with Hyperdia and Google Maps.
  7. Take Cash With You.
  8. Pack an Extra Bag.
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How much money do I need for 2 weeks in Japan?

Japan budget for 2 weeks

Estimated cost
Airfare $800
JR Rail Pass $435
Accommodations $1,750 ($125 per day)
Local transportation $140

Is 2 weeks in Japan enough?

Two weeks is the perfect amount of time for your first trip to Japan. You’ll be able to explore from the mountains to the sea, wandering through chaotic neon-lined streets and serene Zen temples, soaking in onsens and filling yourself with more ramen and sushi than you thought possible.

What should you not say in Japan?

Do not use “-san” after your name. You cannot use them after your own name. So, if you want to introduce yourself to a person you meet in Japan, do not say “Hi, my name is Mark-san” or “I’m John Smith-san.” That is just wrong. Saying that makes you sound like a child and look silly.

When is the least expensive time to visit Japan?

Tokyo sees an increase in visitors during the summer months. The least popular and thus cheapest season during which to visit is winter from mid-January through March. Although cold, the weather is usually sunny and dry.

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When is the best time of year to visit Japan?

Japan’s climate can be distilled down into four distinct seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter), and each is culturally important in Japan. Late spring (March to May) and late autumn (September to November) are generally the best times to visit Japan, when there is little rainfall, skies are clear, and temperatures are mild.

What is the cheapest time of year to visit Japan?

The cheapest time to visit Japan is during winter. December 31 to January 3: New Year January 1: New Year (Shogatsu) January 8: Coming of Age Day (Seijin no hi) February 11: National Foundation Day (Kenkoku kinenbi) March 21: Spring Equinox Day (Shunbun no hi) April 29 to May 7: Golden Week April 29: Showa Day ( Showa no hi)

What is the cheapest way to visit Japan?

20 Ways To Visit Japan On The Cheap 1 – Travel Off-Peak. Cherry blossom and autumn foliage times (usually around early April and mid-November, respectively) are peak season for Japanese travelers, meaning peak hotel rates. 2 – Discounted Air Fares. 3 – Domestic Air Discounts. 6 – Walk. 11 – Browse. 18 – Convenience Stores.