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Do people go on their phones in the bathroom?

Do people go on their phones in the bathroom?

Even though one in four people reveal they’ve never even wiped down their smartphones, a shocking 88\% use them while on the toilet, and 46\% do it every time. And a shockingly high percentage (89\%) of people take that same used-while-pooping phone into the kitchen while they prepare meals.

Is it bad to poop with your phone?

Excess pressure on your anus and extra bacteria on yourself All that sitting and scrolling is actually pretty bad for your butt, too, it turns out. Prolonged sitting, which can happen if you get very absorbed in your smartphone, can up your risk of hemorrhoids.

How much poop is on a phone?

Researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine found fecal matter on one out of every six smartphones in a 2011 study. Add to that the work of Charles Gerba, a famed University of Arizona microbiologist who found cell phones carry 10 times the bacteria of most toilet seats.

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Is it weird to text while on the toilet?

Done in the proper spirit, toilet texting/emailing/tweeting/chatting does no harm and is in fact a force for good – not to mention a cultural inevitability. Gut bacteria, after all, aren’t transmissible via email, and proper order of operations and good hand washing should eliminate other hygienic concerns.

Is it OK to sit on the toilet for a long time?

Most professionals recommend spending no more time on the toilet than it takes to pass a stool. Studies have shown that the average bowel movement takes 12 seconds. Sometimes it does take longer, however, so at maximum, you should not spend more than 10 minutes on the toilet.

How long is too long pooping?

The normal length of time between bowel movements varies widely from person to person. Some people have them three times a day. Others have them just a few times a week. Going longer than 3 or more days without one, though, is usually too long.

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Are iphones dirty?

Add to that the work of Charles Gerba, a famed University of Arizona microbiologist who found cell phones carry 10 times the bacteria of most toilet seats. …

Should hand and phone be separated in the bathroom?

Ever since mobile devices became the primary mode of contact for people, it seems no boundary exists to separate hand and phone. This includes the bathroom.

Can You charge your phone in the bathroom?

She took her phone into the bathroom and was careful to keep it dry as it charged, laying its power cords on a towel. Madison snapped a photo of her setup and sent it to a friend with the message, “When you use (an) extension cord so you can plug your phone in while you’re in the bath.” It was the last time anyone heard from her.

How many cell phones are contaminated by Poop?

People like to do some business while they’re doing their business. Seventy-five percent of people use their phones in the bathroom; 63 percent have answered a call, 41 percent have initiated a call, and 10 percent have “made an online purchase.” As a result, as many as one in six cell phones might be contaminated by poo.

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What happened to the phone that fell into the bathtub?

Miranda said police believe that by the time of the incident, the phone adapter cord had been disconnected from the extension cord. Initial reports said Madison’s Samsung 6s Edge had fallen into the tub, but evidence later revealed the phone never actually touched the water.