
How do you deal with a hyper religious parent?

How do you deal with a hyper religious parent?

How To Get Along With Parents You Disagree With

  1. Be Honest.
  2. Make It Clear That You’re Not Trying To Change Their Minds.
  3. Ask Them To Be Respectful Of Your Beliefs.
  4. Accept That There May Be Certain Topics You Want To Avoid For Now.
  5. Don’t Ever Say, “You’re Wrong”
  6. Acknowledge The Fact That Your Opinions Could Change Over Time.

Will Your Children Thank you for raising atheist children?

Yet as your children grow up as educated atheists in a world without gods, without fear of eternal damnation for thought crimes as an 8 year old, they will thank you in more ways than you can imagine. Sign up for the “Atheist Parents Newsletter” (sent approximately 4 times a year) and get up-to-date information on raising Atheist Children.

What problems do atheists have when their families object to atheism?

One problem faced by many atheists whose families object to atheism is the idea that you may be a bad influence on others in the family such as younger siblings, nieces, nephews, etc. Your family thinks that you are on a bad path and don’t want you to cause others to follow you.

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Should people take it personally when you become an atheist?

Perhaps people shouldn’t take it personally that you are trying to find your own path, but the fact of the matter is they will, and you should take their feelings into consideration. I don’t mean you should stop being an atheist or pretend to be a theist, but you should take others’ feelings into account in how you phrase things.

Is “born again Atheist” a game changer?

Your new book, “Born Again Atheist: The Arguments for the Facts,” has now been released by Enlightened Publishing and you have described the book as a real “Game Changer.” Why do you think that? LG: Well, like my last book, I wrote this one for my children.