Useful tips

Is mass a spacetime?

Is mass a spacetime?

Mass is not a property of space (or space-time itself), but of physical objects in classical physics. In General relativity, it is difficult to speak about mass clearly, there is no good general definitions.

Does time depend on mass?

Gravitational time dilation occurs because objects with a lot of mass create a strong gravitational field. The gravitational field is really a curving of space and time. Earth’s mass warps space and time so that time actually runs slower the closer you are to earth’s surface.

Can mass and energy converted to one another?

Mass can be converted into energy and vice versa. Scientists have proven that mass and energy are interchangeable properties. Mass can be converted into energy, and energy can be converted into mass. For example, scientists can use particle accelerators to make protons approach the speed of light.

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Does time need mass?

You don’t require mass because you could, for instance, measure the distance covered by a photon in a certain period of time/time it takes for photon to traverse said distance. Basically you just need some quantity that changes with time and be able to measure it.

What is the fastest anything can go?

speed of light
For centuries, physicists thought there was no limit to how fast an object could travel. But Einstein showed that the universe does, in fact, have a speed limit: the speed of light in a vacuum (that is, empty space). Nothing can travel faster than 300,000 kilometers per second (186,000 miles per second).

Does time exist without gravity?

Hence the answer to your question is, time exists even though their might be no gravity ( which is not possible since gravity is a long range force and extends for infinite distance ) since space still exists ! Yes, time exists without gravity!

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Are space and time the same thing?

Space-Time. Thus, space and time are effectively interchangeable, and fundamentally the same thing (or at least two different sides of the same coin), an effect which becomes much more noticeable at relativistic speeds approaching the speed of light.

What is the fundamental reason for merging space and time?

The fundamental reason for merging space and time into spacetime is that space and time are separately not invariant, which is to say that, under the proper conditions, different observers will disagree on the length of time between two events (because of time dilation) or the distance between the two events…

What is the theory of space-time?

According to the best of current physical theories, space-time explains the unusual relativistic effects that arise from traveling near the speed of light as well as the motion of massive objects in the universe. Who discovered space-time?

Why does time exist without space?

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Time cannot exist without space (composition of elements in different organizations). In reality time and space are the same thing, because time is only relative of how space moves. There is no origination of the universe because there is an infinite number of universes. This is why time is eternal.