
What are the former British colonies?

What are the former British colonies?

These include Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, the Bahamas, Australia, Belize, Barbados, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.

What is one of the former colonies of France?

French Colonies

Modern former From
Grenada 1652
Guinea French Guinea 1891
Haiti Saint-Domingue 1627
India The Carnatic 1741

What were British colonies in Africa?

From 1880-1900 Britain gained control over or occupied what are now known as Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, northwestern Somalia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, and Malawi. That meant that the British ruled 30\% of Africa’s people at one time.

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Why did the British colonies became larger and more successful than the French?

British Colonial Success: The British and French began colonizing areas outside of Europe around the same time. Both powers focused heavily upon North America and the Caribbean Sea. The French were more adept at establishing trade outposts and minor settlements, while the British developed robust towns and cities.

How many countries did UK colonize?

The British Empire stretched into each part of the world. Territories were held across the continents. There remain 14 British Territories Overseas.

How many countries did Britain colonize?

Why did the British colonized Africa?

The British wanted to control South Africa because it was one of the trade routes to India. However, when gold and diamonds were discovered in the 1860s-1880s their interest in the region increased. This brought them into conflict with the Boers. Tensions between Boers and British led to the Boer War of 1899-1902.

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What happened to the former French colonies in Africa?

Former French Colonies. France retained control of North, and West and parts of Central Africa while the British took control of East and South Africa. The scramble and partition of Africa led other countries to express their interest including the Germans, Portuguese, Italians, and the Dutch.

What was the relationship between the British and the French like?

The French and the British engaged in a fierce rivalry over colonies during the late 18th and early 19th centuries led to armed conflict in North America and India. France lost the wars and ceased all colonial activities in the region allowing the British to dominate the Indian subcontinent and the North American continent.

Why does France have military bases in Africa?

After independence in the 1960s, most of the French colonies in Africa were thrown into a civil conflict that still ravages across the states. France has been forced to intervene militarily in the colonies with the aim of restoring peace. The former colonial power has set up military bases in Djibouti, Senegal, and Gabon.

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What countries did France colonize in the Caribbean?

In North America, France colonized the New France region, Newfoundland, and resent day Haiti. Former colonies in the Caribbean include Grenada, Nevis, Sait Croix, Dominica, Tobago and several other Islands.