
Is it OK that my girlfriend talk with her ex?

Is it OK that my girlfriend talk with her ex?

It’s okay as long as it is treated as a friend she may talk to only occasionally and not put her ex before you and your relationship. If the ex broke it off their maybe hidden emotional feelings that are not resolved.

Why do girls ask about exes?

It show two signs: Either your ex is asking her to ask that question. Or she wants to enjoy listening to the pain you are going through. It’s very clear that she wants to know that how was your relationship with your ex and how deep it was.

Is it a bad idea to talk to an ex?

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Most experts agree: you should not reach out to your ex unless you hope to salvage a treasured friendship. The impulse to reach out to an ex, whether it is because you still have feelings for them, you are seeking comfort and familiarity, or you simply want to know how they are doing, is often a bad idea.

Why does a girl keep talking about her ex?

when a girl talks about her ex boyfriend a lot it means she’s not over him. Females are naturally more emotional and show how they feel compared to guys so when a girl is talking about her ex she’s really expressing that she is not over him.

How do I ask a girl for her last relationship?

Is it okay to ask a girl about her past relationships?

  1. Stick to the basics.
  2. Make sure you dare to hear about her ex.
  3. Keep it between the two of you.
  4. Communicate, but don’t overthink.
  5. Never ask them “would you go back” question.
  6. Ask what she learned.
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What should I ask a girl about her past?

Here are some questions you can ask if you want to know more about an SO’s exes (without getting more info than you actually want).

  • Who was your first celebrity crush?
  • Who was your first real-life crush?
  • When was your first kiss?
  • How did you lose your virginity?
  • How many serious relationships have you been in?

Is it okay to talk to your ex?

It honestly depends on several factors. If the relationship ended amicably, you two have remained friends, and you’re talking to your ex without a problem, then go for it. However, if you just got out of a fiery breakup, you may want to avoid talking to your ex for a while.

Why do people talk about their exes on new dates?

There are a number of reasons people go on and on about old flames with new dates. Sometimes, they want to let the other person know it is too soon; and sometimes, they talk about exes to try making their new date jealous (I would not recommend this.

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How do you start a conversation with your ex husband?

Use a tone of voice that is neutral, confident, and pleasant. Adding a little humor to the conversation can take off some of the edginess and awkwardness. Think about ways to make some small talk before you start the call. Ask your ex questions about things you know he or she is passionate about and use it as an ice breaker.

Is talking about your ex a turn off to potential mates?

And, sometimes we talk about an ex because he or she is on our mind. Whatever the reason, it is a huge turn off to potential mates. So much so that the post below has received more attention than many others. If you found this article helpful or believe others would too, please share it!