
Why is he searching his ex on Instagram?

Why is he searching his ex on Instagram?

Same reason you’re checking what HE’S up to: not enough to do. He wants to see how fast his ex moved on. It can be a blow to someone’s ego when they are forgotten easily. Stalking an ex doesn’t usually indicate the person wants to get back together( especially if he’s not actually making contact).

Can I ask my boyfriend to unfollow his ex?

Yes, you can ask. And in so doing, you will be revealing two things: first, that you are insecure; and second, that you deal with insecurity by controlling your partner. You can ask, and if your boyfriend has any sense he will deal with the request by ending your relationship.

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What does it mean if my boyfriend still follows his ex?

“If your partner’s ex still follows them on Instagram but they’re respectful of your relationship, there really isn’t anything to handle,” Figueroa says. These two are probably just trying to stay on friendly terms, or maybe they didn’t even notice they’re still connected on social media.

Is it okay if your boyfriend follows models on Instagram?

If Your SO Follows IG Models, It’s Prob Fine — With This Exception. There’s no right or wrong way to feel about your boyfriend following Instagram models. For some, it can be an uncomfortable situation and a total turn-off, while others don’t really mind.

Does my boyfriend still think about his ex wife?

And yes, he probably loves her, too. But the fact that he still thinks about her, and that he still loves his ex, does NOT mean that he doesn’t love you or that he doesn’t want a relationship with you. And it DOESN’T mean that he wants to go back together with her either.

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Should You Follow Your Ex on social media?

According to Brown, it’s typically best to not follow an ex on social media in general, and for them not to follow you. “Give yourself some time to heal from the loss, no matter how it ended. Hanging on to each other is only going to complicate your ability to grieve your loss, and move on with your life.”

Is it normal for exes to unfollow each other on Instagram?

Depending on how a breakup went down, exes unfollowing each other on social media is pretty standard. It’s normal not to want to see any of your ex’s posts if you’re having a hard time getting over them, and vice-versa. But if your ex is still following you on Instagram, don’t freak out.

Do men keep photos of their exes from their current partners?

20\% of men who are in relationships say they have hidden photos of their exes from their current partner. 17\% said they feel guilty about keeping photos. 12\% admit that they still have feelings for their ex, which may explain why they feel so guilty. 9\% of guys keep pictures in hidden files on their computer. Yikes, right?