
Are knights skilled?

Are knights skilled?

During the High Middle Ages, knighthood was considered a class of lower nobility. Often, a knight was a vassal who served as an elite fighter, a bodyguard or a mercenary for a lord, with payment in the form of land holdings. The lords trusted the knights, who were skilled in battle on horseback.

Was it hard being a knight?

Becoming a knight was a long and difficult process. a person to become a knight would start training as a child somewhere near 7 years of age. Knights in training had to learn things like sword techniques, protection and bravery. They also had to become involved in other castle trainings such as jousting and music.

How were knights different from ordinary soldiers?

They had access to food at a much higher quality, and bigger amount. Between constant training, a better food, they were much stronger than standard regular soldiers. Also knights had much more higher education as well. Educated people can be very dangerous, even in the Middle Ages.

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What weapon did knights use?

The weapons of an English medieval knight in combat included the long sword, wooden lance with an iron tip, metal-headed mace, battle-axe, and dagger.

What skills did knights have?

Besides learning weaponry and horsemanship, the squire was expected to look after a full knight (who might have two or more squires under him), cleaning his weapons, polishing the armour, looking after the horses, helping him dress for battle, holding his shield until required, and other such general duties.

Did knights really go on quests?

So to conclude, no, knights didn’t do quests, they fought, hunted, and acted sort of like mayors.

Could a serf become a knight?

In other words: NO! There is a German “miracle story”, I only half remember, of a saint exposing a serf masquerading as a knight who then gets his just desserts. So not just very unlikely but culturally despised. If you mean a “free” peasant or perhaps a tradesman: slightly more possible but unlikely.

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Could a peasant become a knight?

One or Both could get that person into the lower levels of nobility (knighthood) if that peasant was lucky, smart & determined enough. It was very rare for a commoner to become a noble during the Middle Ages, but it occasionally happened because of personal achievements.