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How was France affected by Napoleon?

How was France affected by Napoleon?

Napoleon Bonaparte had a positive impact on France and Europe due to the military, political and economic stability he restored to France, the laws he put in place, the reforms he introduced to the European countries he conquered and his improvement of the education system.

What was the impact of Napoleon’s success in France?

One of his most significant accomplishments was the Napoleonic Code, which streamlined the French legal system and continues to form the foundation of French civil law to this day. In 1802, a constitutional amendment made Napoleon first consul for life.

How did Napoleon achieve the goals of the French Revolution?

Napoleon was called back to Paris to defend the government as another royalist uprising erupted. Through strategic commanding and deployment of cannons on city streets, he helped eliminate the uprising in 1795. He then secured the authority of the new French government with its five members, one of whom was Barras.

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How were the French affected by ww2?

The devastation wreaked in France by WWII was nearly total. Its infrastructure and economy were ruined, its cities destroyed and the French that had survived the German occupation had little to eat and often even less money.

How did ww2 affect the French economy?

World War II destroys the infrastructure and 50,000 factories. Germany appropriates half of France’s public-sector revenue. The Vichy government forms “Organizing Committees” for each economic sector in a move toward a coordinated economy and away from the free market. France emerges from the war economically weak.

Did France continue to fight in WW2 even after defeat?

So, as was the case with Poland, France did continue to fight, even after defeat. Nevertheless, the eventual course of World War II put an especially bad light on the decision of the French military and political hierarchy to cease resistance against Germany.

What if Napoleon Bonaparte had used tanks in WWI?

A Napoleon would have seen the potential in the tank and air support and utilised it to effect, as well as forseeing the Germans to avoid the Maginot Line and drive a wedge through Belgium into northern France, (which Winston Churchill predicted before the war even began!) But as it was, there was no 20th Century Napoleon.

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Why did France raise the duration of military service in WW1?

In the wake of the doctrine of “big battalions” which had led France to adopt the 1913 law raising the duration of military service to three years in order to counter the development of reserves within the German army. In the early war years, the fundamental question of how to handle the problem of troops arose very quickly.

How many people died in WW1 in France?

Between 20 August and 27 August 1914, the French army lost 40,000 men, 27,000 of which were killed on 22 August alone. Losses between 16 April and 25 April 1917 amounted to approximately 30,000 killed.