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Why do authors write fantasy stories?

Why do authors write fantasy stories?

So authors use fantasy in their stories because it allows them to escape all worldly pain, constraints, problems, responsibilities, fear, and depression. They can forget all their troubles, and through their words, live a life or many lives indeed, as they have always wanted to live.

What is the purpose of fantasy stories?

With an introduction about fantasy literature in general, it holds up to the light a key purpose of fantasy: to ask spiritual or philosophical questions and explore creative approaches to matters of faith and belief, good and bad, right and wrong, and other deeply held, intangible values.

What can fantasy stories teach us?

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Fantasy teaches us how to approach and solve real problems. We observe how different kinds of characters respond to adversity, learn from them and apply what we learned to our own problems. Fantasy teaches us to be creative, to think “outside the box,” to be more adaptable. Neil Gaiman cites an interesting example.

Why do people read fantasy stories?

One of the most obvious benefits of fantasy is that it allows readers to experiment with different ways of seeing the world. It takes a hypothetical situation and invites readers to make connections between this fictive scenario and their own social reality.

Why is fantasy literature so popular?

The reason that fantasy is so popular for both adults and children alike is that they offer escapism from work or school into a different realm. This is probably the reason that fantasy is such a broad category and unites almost everyone, from the elderly to those just starting to read, or to take an interest in films.

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What does fantasy mean in books?

fantasy, also spelled phantasy, imaginative fiction dependent for effect on strangeness of setting (such as other worlds or times) and of characters (such as supernatural or unnatural beings).

Why is fantasy fiction so popular?

Fantasy films and books are stories that often involve adventures, battles or journeys usually in a made up, fictional and supernatural world. The reason that fantasy is so popular for both adults and children alike is that they offer escapism from work or school into a different realm.

Why should you read fantasy books?

Reading fantasy novels has so many, like:

  • it develops your imagination.
  • it takes things off of your mind.
  • it makes you a more interesting person.
  • living in a fairy tale is not making you childish.
  • reading fantasy can inspire you to become a writer yourself.

Why is knowing fantasy and reality important?

A fantasy is an idea with no basis in reality and is basically your imagination unrestricted by reality. Reality is the state of things as they exist. It’s what you see, hear, and experience.

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Why is fantasy genre popular?

Is reading fantasy good?

Recent research in neuroscience suggests that you might look to the library for solutions; reading literary fiction helps people develop empathy, theory of mind, and critical thinking. When we read, we hone and strengthen several different cognitive muscles, so to speak, that are the root of the EQ.