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What do you expect from a fantasy book?

What do you expect from a fantasy book?

So without further ado, let’s take a look at the five essential elements every fantasy novel needs.

  • A magic system. This is the element that sets fantasy fiction apart from other genres.
  • A well-developed setting.
  • A cast of complex characters.
  • A central conflict.
  • A power structure/system of government.

What do you like about fantasy?

The best kind of fantasies, in books, movies or TV shows, are usually the ones that deal with real human tragedies, real human pain, real human sacrifices and real human bonds even when operating in a strictly unreal realm. We relate to their emotions. Fantasy helps us process our issues without really processing them.

Why do you like to read fantasy books?

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Readers want to experience the culture and politics of the races that make up fantasy worlds. The setting is a large part of the vicarious experience the fantasy reader is looking for. Readers want to leave behind the mundane world they already know and enter fully realized imaginary worlds brought to life in writing.

Why Fantasy books are the best?

Beyond offering temporary escape from the pressures of daily life, the best fantasy books help us confront them. Stories of the otherworldly allow readers to make sense of this world, refracting change, wickedness, and heartache through a magical lens so we can see them all more clearly — and face them head-on.

What makes a fantasy book a fantasy book?

Another description of a Fantasy Novel is any book that contains unrealistic settings, or magic, often set in a medieval universe, or possibly involving mythical beings or supernatural forms as a primary element of the plot, theme, or setting. Fantasy usually describes those stories that could not happen in real life.

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Why is fantasy important in life?

One of the most obvious benefits of fantasy is that it allows readers to experiment with different ways of seeing the world. It takes a hypothetical situation and invites readers to make connections between this fictive scenario and their own social reality.

Is reading fantasy books good for you?

To put yourself in the shoes of others and grow your capacity for empathy, you can hardly do better than reading fiction. Multiple studies have shown that imagining stories helps activate the regions of your brain responsible for better understanding others and seeing the world from a new perspective.

Does your fantasy story need to fit within the genre?

However original your story may be, it does need to fit somewhere within the genre if you’re going to attract an audience. Fantasy readers expect certain things from the books they consume. And no, we’re not talking about common tropes like elves, dwarves, trolls and dragons!

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What do fantasy readers expect from their books?

Fantasy readers expect certain things from the books they consume. And no, we’re not talking about common tropes like elves, dwarves, trolls and dragons! We’re referring to much broader elements – general concepts within which you can be as inventive and imaginative as you like.

Why do we love fantasy in fiction?

4 Reasons Why Everyone Loves Fantasy In Fiction 1 Once in a while, the real world gets a little too much. 2 All good fantasies, at their core, are a story about our humanity. 3 Fantasy gives us hope. Hope is our biggest addiction. The one that fantasy offers us in plenty.

What are the 5 essential elements of fantasy?

5 Essential Elements Every Fantasy Novel Needs 1 A cast of complex characters As with any novel, it’s often the characters in fantasy fiction that truly get readers invested in the story. 2 A central conflict The key to every good story is conflict. 3 A power structure/system of government