
What is an example of unconstitutional?

What is an example of unconstitutional?

Influential examples of Supreme Court decisions that declared U.S. laws unconstitutional include Roe v. Wade (1973), which declared that prohibiting abortion is unconstitutional, and Brown v. Board of Education (1954), which found racial segregation in public schools to be unconstitutional.

What does unconstitutional mean in a sentence?

: not according or consistent with the constitution of a body politic (such as a nation) an unconstitutional infringement on rights. Other Words from unconstitutional More Example Sentences Learn More About unconstitutional.

How can I use constitutional in a sentence?

Consitutional in a Sentence 🔉

  • Owning a firearm is considered a constitutional right.
  • The Governor had to ensure that the new law was constitutional.
  • Before women were given the constitutional right to vote, they had to overcome adversity.

Does unconstitutional mean illegal?

Unconstitutional means “not in accordance with procedures specified in a constitution”. Cliff G. Something is illegal if it violates the law, including the Constitution. Something is unconstitutional if it violates the terms or interpretation of the Constitution.

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When was the word unconstitutional first used?

As a prefix in telegramese to replace not and save the cost of a word, it is attested by 1936. constitutional (adj.) 1680s, “pertaining to a person’s (physical or mental) constitution,” from constitution + -al (1).

What is another word for unconstitutional?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unconstitutional, like: illegal, lawless, un-american, constitutional, unconstitutionally, indefensible, inadmissible, impermissible, illiberal and undemocratic.

What is an example of a constitutional government?

Examples of constitutional governments include the U.S., the First French Republic, the Weimar Republic, and (generally) England. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen served as a sort of constitution for the First French Republic.

How do you use constitutional democracy in a sentence?

Example sentences. constitutional democracy. He promised to move towards a constitutional democracy on taking power. The monarch is a symbol of our constitutional democracy, and our long, unbroken history of stability and independence.

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What is unconstitutional quizlet?

unconstitutional. a law or government action that is found to violate any part of the Constitution; an unconstitutional law or act is deemed illegal and cannot be enforced or carried out by the government. federalism.

What is unconstitutional conduct?

unconstitutional. adj. referring to a statute, governmental conduct, court decision or private contract (such as a covenant which purports to limit transfer of real property only to Caucasians) which violate one or more provisions of the U.S. Constitution.

What is a antonym for unconstitutional?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for unconstitutional. lawful, legal, legit.

What is the synonym of violated?

fracture, infringe (on or upon), offend, traduce, transgress.

What does it mean when a law is unconstitutional?

If a court decides that something — a law, an appointment, and an action — is unconstitutional, they are — on the face of it — saying it is a legal nothing. Sometimes that is reasonably straightforward.

What is the definition of unconstitutional?

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Unconstitutional refers to a government action which is in violation of the authority and rights defined and granted in the government’s constitution. Most constitutions set forth the powers of governments, so that the constitution normally applies only to government actions.

Can a president declare a law unconstitutional?

The president cannot declare a law unconstitutional. The Constitution of the United States grants certain powers and responsibilities to the President, chief among them the power to execute our national laws. He does not have the power to unilaterally declare a properly enacted law unconstitutional.

What is an unconstitutional act?

Major Unconstitutional Acts. (Declaration of Independence) Any government Act that has diminished or destroyed a persons ability to enjoy any Right is an unlawful Act. FACT – Those responsible for an unlawful Act and/or its perpetuation are criminals in violation of laws cited in Title 18 of the U.S. Criminal Code.