
Why is genre pronounced the way it is?

Why is genre pronounced the way it is?

Genre is a recent loanword from French and is pronounced /ʒɑːnɹə/ in English in an attempt to reproduce the original pronunciation /ʒɑ̃ʁ/. Some people anglicize it a bit more by pronouncing it /dʒɑːnɹə/ as indicated by the rendition jonra. Because it’s a French word which English speakers try to pronounce.

Why is I pronounced as A in French?

The French letter ‘I’ is pronounced more or less like the ‘EE’ in “fee,” but without the Y sound at the end. An ‘I’ with an accent circonflexe, î or tréma, ï, is pronounced the same way. This is also true for the letter ‘Y’ when it’s used as a vowel in French.

Is the word genre French?

Genre, as you might guess from the way it sounds, comes straight from French, a language based on Latin. It’s closely related to genus, a word you may have encountered in biology class.

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Is it pronounced Nike or Nikey?

Nike chairman Phillip Knight has confirmed that it’s “Nikey” not “Nike”, meaning I’ve essentially been talking nonsense for years. The great pronunciation debate, second only to that of ‘gif’ and ‘jif’, came to a head after Knight was sent a letter asking him to circle the correct way of saying the brand name.

Why do the French say genre?

It has many uses in French, but the one we’re discussing here is a particular one: genre is often used as a filler word to imply a certain degree of vagueness or nonchalance, similar to the way English speakers will (over) use the word ‘like’. So genre can precede an estimation, and mean ‘about’ or ‘more or less’.

What do you mean by genre according to French word?

GENRE “Genre” comes from the French word meaning both “kind” and “gender.” While in English we use. Page 1. GENRE. “Genre” comes from the French word meaning both “kind” and “gender.” While in English we use genre mostly to refer to categories ofliterary, musi.

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Which is correct pronunciation or pronounciation?

“Pronounciation” is just a common misspelling of “pronunciation”. “Pronunciation” is correct, “pronounciation isn’t!

Is the R in iron silent?

Yes, of course. “r” is silent in “iron”word. British pronunciation of “iron” is “aie(r)n”, where “r” is silent.