How many articles does a blog need for AdSense approval?

How many articles does a blog need for AdSense approval?

Honestly there is no set limit for the number of posts that are needed, but one should at least have 30 top quality posts before applying for Adsense. If you have various categories on your website then it is a best practice to have sufficient number of blog posts under each one of them.

How do I get my blog approved for AdSense?

Sign up for AdSense

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, select a blog.
  3. From the menu on the left, click Earnings. Create AdSense account.
  4. Select the Google email associated with your Blogger account.
  5. Fill out AdSense form and click Create account.
  6. Enter your payment details and verify your phone number.
  7. Click Submit.
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How many pageviews should a blog have to get AdSense approval?

1) Google never asks you to have some minimum pageviews or minimum pages on your website. But if you are serious about AdSense then it’s recommended that you have around 20 to 40 pages that are important for your website and for your readers too. Also, apply for AdSense when you reach 100,000 monthly pageviews.

How do I get my AdSense site approved by WordPress?

Let’s look at factors which will make your blog AdSense ready:

  1. Write High-Quality Contents:
  2. Optimize Blog Post with Meta Tags and Make It Search Engine Friendly:
  3. Have Sufficient Contents or Posts:
  4. Blog Domain Must Old At least 6 Months:
  5. Check if Your Blog is Not Blocked by Google:
  6. Don’t Have Adsense Prohibited Content:

Does AdSense accept BlogSpot?

If your BlogSpot account have a sufficient number of post (minimum 20+) then it’s easy to get your AdSense account approved. If you have personal domain and host chances of AdSense approval are very high.

How many blog posts should I have before launching?

We recommend writing 3-5 posts before you launch so you’ve got something for people to read right away. This will also give you time to brainstorm more ideas and get a sense of how long it takes you to write each post. For more help in creating that content for your blog launch, we’ve created a checklist for you.

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Can I get AdSense approval in WordPress blog?

A writing proverb “Content is King” helps you understand this requirement. A high-quality blog is identified with the high-quality contents. Please keep in mind, Google AdSense doesn’t approve blogs with copy pasted copyright content. A well-optimized blog post should be 100\% unique and above 500-600 words.

How to write a good blog post for Google AdSense?

Please keep in mind, Google AdSense doesn’t approve blogs with copy pasted copyright content. A well-optimized blog post should be 100\% unique and above 500-600 words. So, always write blog post above this limit and it must be unique which clearly determinate the post topic. How to deliver quality blog content

How many blog posts do I need to get AdSense 4 approval?

You must have at least 15-30 blog post with a minimum of 600-800 words Also, make sure that no category of your blog is left empty, there should be at least 2 Blog Post in each category The more the number of Genuine and Useful blog posts on your website, the higher the chance that you will get quick approval from AdSense 4.

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How to apply for Google AdSense?

Write in-depth and well-optimized blog posts with above 500-600 words. Also, Adsensewill not approve your application if you write Adsense prohibited content. So, make sure your blog has some high-quality content before you apply for Google Adsense.

Does AdSense use crawler bots to check your website?

It is not possible for AdSense editorial board to check every single website that has applied to get AdSsense approval. So, positively they will use their crawler bots. The bots will check for every footprint on your blog. That’s why you should make sure; you have specified these tags with appropriate information.