
How is LinkedIn useful for high school students?

How is LinkedIn useful for high school students?

Having a LinkedIn account as a student proves that you are dedicated to pursuing a career. By being specific in your summary and connecting with people in the field that you’d like to end up in, you prove that you’re putting in the time and effort required to succeed in your chosen career.

Can a high school student join LinkedIn?

Yes, get a LinkedIn profile and keep it up to date. However, only list your College, and what you are doing there.

Should teens get a LinkedIn?

It turns out there are many potential benefits from tuning into this established network at a younger age. Even teens need to get a leg up on their job searches, whether they are on the hunt for a career right out of high school or a part-time job to help them pay the college bills.

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At what age should you make a LinkedIn?

The minimum age for a LinkedIn membership is 13, so most high-schoolers (and even some middle-schoolers!) can get a head start on making a name for themselves. Of course, grown-ups can’t be LinkedIn role models unless they’re maximizing their own membership.

Can 15 year olds use LinkedIn?

LinkedIn, the professional networking website, has launched a push to recruit career-minded youngsters by lowering its minimum age requirements – targeting users as young as 13 as it seeks to expand its reach.

Can a 17 year old use LinkedIn?

The minimum age for a LinkedIn membership is 13, so most high-schoolers (and even some middle-schoolers!) can get a head start on making a name for themselves. Once you have perfected your profile and have a strategy for using LinkedIn to advance your career, here’s what you need to tell your kids/students/protégés: 1.

Should I put high school jobs on LinkedIn?

1. High school jobs. If you include your high school education, you’re showing recruiters that you haven’t had much experience since then. Leave it off unless you accomplished something out of the ordinary (like inventing a cure for cancer, or making a trip to the moon).

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Can a 15 year old be on LinkedIn?

On June 7th, 2017, changed its user agreement, increasing the minimum age for opening a LinkedIn account from 14 to 16. “Existing members who happen to be under 16,” LinkedIn says, “will be allowed to remain members and use our services.”

What is LinkedIn minimum age?

Users as young as 13 will be allowed to use the LinkedIn social network, the site has revealed to The Telegraph. The company claims that with 30m students and recent graduates already using it, the site will offer a prime resource for potential applicants and young people planning their careers.

What are the benefits of LinkedIn for high school students?

While Facebook is getting all the attention in teen social media, LinkedIn offers some serious benefits in networking and professional grooming. We look at how high school student can use this network to their advantage.

What is LinkedIn and how can it help you?

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Through LinkedIn, you can connect with teachers, employers, mentors, family members, and even alumni from your high school working in your desired field. These connections might later turn into important networking opportunities. Another use for LinkedIn is to validate your accomplishments and skills.

Should you get a LinkedIn account for college applications?

If a young applicant shows up on LinkedIn, it indicates that the student is “forward-thinking.” Even students applying for college may get a boost with a LinkedIn account.

What should I put on my high school profile?

You can include your high school classes and any summer programs or courses that you’ve taken outside of school. In this section, you can post recommendations that you’ve gathered from employers, teachers, or classmates. This section adds credibility to your profile.