Useful tips

How do you make someone taste their own medicine?

How do you make someone taste their own medicine?


  1. when someone gets the same bad treatment that he has been giving others.
  2. a sample of the unpleasantness that someone has been giving others.
  3. do the same bad thing to a person who has done it to you.
  4. when someone is mistreated the same way he has mistreated others.

Is a taste of your own medicine revenge?

“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” The idiom, “Give someone a taste (or ‘dose’) of their own medicine,” has a long history. It derives from the fables generally attributed to Aesop, a slave and storyteller who allegedly lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE.

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What does it mean when someone says a taste of your own medicine?

The phrase ‘a taste of your own medicine’ means someone should have the same unpleasant experience that they themselves have given to someone, to show them how bad it is.

What figurative language is a taste of your own medicine?

A taste of one’s own medicine and a dose of one’s own medicine are two renderings of the same idiom. An idiom is a word, group of words or phrase that has a figurative meaning that is not easily deduced from its literal definition.

What does give you a taste of your own medicine mean?

The phrase ‘a taste of your own medicine’ means someone should have the same unpleasant experience that they themselves have given to someone, to show them how bad it is. For example: He got a taste of his own medicine when she decided to turn up late.

What figure of speech is a taste of your own medicine?

What type of figure of speech is “a taste of your own medicine?” “A taste of your own medicine” is an idiomatic metaphor. It uses “medicine” as a metaphor for any action “you” have taken that another person doesn’t like. This could be anything from rudeness to overprotectiveness.

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What is the meaning of a taste of your own medicine?

Definition of a taste/dose of someone’s own medicine informal. : harsh or unpleasant treatment that is like the treatment someone has given other people The movie is about a playboy who gets a taste of his own medicine when the girl he falls in love with jilts him for another guy.

What is giving someone the cold shoulder?

to deliberately ignore someone. He gave me the cold shoulder at the party; he didn’t talk to me at all.

What is the literal meaning of a taste of your own medicine?

Is taste of your own medicine a metaphor?

“A taste of your own medicine” is an idiomatic metaphor. It uses “medicine” as a metaphor for any action “you” have taken that another person doesn’t like. This could be anything from rudeness to overprotectiveness.

Where does the saying give someone a taste of their own medicine?

The idiom, “Give someone a taste (or ‘dose’) of their own medicine,” has a long history. It derives from the fables generally attributed to Aesop, a slave and storyteller who allegedly lived in ancient Greece between 620 and 564 BCE.

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What is the origin of the saying give me your own medicine?

Origin. This origin of this phrase can be found in one of Aesop’s fables. It is about a swindler who sells fake medicine, claiming that it cures anything. When he himself falls ill, people give him his own medicine, which he knows will not cure him.

What is the origin of the phrase “the medicine cures everything”?

This origin of this phrase can be found in one of Aesop’s fables. It is about a swindler who sells fake medicine, claiming that it cures anything. When he himself falls ill, people give him his own medicine, which he knows will not cure him.