What is correct family is or family are?

What is correct family is or family are?

My family is- this is correct. Family is a collective noun, which is considered as a single group. So, it should be followed by a singular noun. The plural form of family is families. In this case, it will be- my families are.

Which is or are correct?

Both are correct as “which is” refers to “a single item, as the verb is in the singular, (is)”. The second one “which are”refers to “two or more items as the verb is in the plural form (are)”. “Which is” your car?

Which pronoun is used for family?

And families is a plural so the plural for it is they, the pronoun for family is it and the pronoun for families is they.

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Do we use is or are with family?

Is it “you and your family is” or “you and your family are”? You should use are because “you and your family” is a plural subject. When the subject of a sentence has two parts joined by “and” it makes the subject plural, so you should use a plural verb.

How is or are your family?

The correct way to word this question is “How is your family?” The reason is that while family refers to a group of people, it refers to the group of people as a single unit, or collection. Nouns like this are called collective nouns, and in American English, collective nouns take singular verbs.

How many is or are?

“How many” is usually used with plurals, that’s why we use “are”.

Is it in the list or on the list grammar?

“In” implies boundaries in two or more directions. With a list, especially in coding, it’s entirely appropriate to say “in the list” in reference to something within the start and end boundaries of the list. “On” suggests a floor of some kind, that is to say a surface that provides a lower boundary.

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How is family correct?

Family refers to the group of a people. It’s a collection. Hence, family comes under collective nouns and collective nouns are generally taken as singular verbs. So the correct choice would be “how is your family?”

Is family it or them?

As a general rule, if you are referring to the family as a unit (as in the first case above), use the singular, and if you are referring to the members of the family (as in the second case), use the plural.

Is a family name plural?

Learn how to address them properly. You usually make family names plural by adding an “s” to the end. However, if the name ends in “s,” “x,” “z,” “ch,” or “sh,” you usually add an “es” instead (but there are exceptions).

Is my family are or is my family is?

Either can be correct, depending on context. If you are thinking of your family as a united entity, then you can say “My family is…”. If you think of it as having members with diverse interests, tastes and opinions, you can say “My family are…”.

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Is it correct to say all of my family members?

All my family members is correct. Every member of my family would also be correct, in place of “all the members of my family’s.” Note : “of my” is a possessive already, no need to add the saxon genitive “ ‘s “ after family, that’s redundant and grammatically incorrect anyway.

Why don’t we use “family’s members” in a sentence?

We do not use, “family’s members” because it means entirely something else. It means the penises of a family. First, a family is a non-living entity. Second, it is wrong and the correct usage is, “family members”. Third, “family members” already means “members belinging to one family” just as “classmates” means “fellows of the same class”.

Is the word family singular or plural?

Grammatically they are singular, but as they describe more than one individual, they may also take the plural form of a verb or use a plural pronoun. For example, do we say “ The family is arriving tomorrow ” or “ The family are arriving tomorrow ”? Is a family “it” or “they”?