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Did Canon Vader lose potential?

Did Canon Vader lose potential?

Canon Vader never lost any of his potential as the chosen one with the most midi chlorians. Canon Vader re-learned and re-taught himself how to Duel and fighting use the his incredible force abilities in his new robotic suit of armor.

Did Anakin lose his potential?

So due to Anakins decreased amount he now had a lesser potential in the force. Another reason is that after his defeat at the hands of Obi Wan Kenobi, Darth Sidious saw Anakins weakness and decided to limit his training, seeing him as a weaker being and not worthy to ursurp him for the mantle of Dark Lord.

Did Anakin still bring balance to the Force?

During the Clone Wars, however, Skywalker turned to the dark side of the Force and became the Sith Lord Darth Vader in 19 BBY. The deaths of the last two Sith Lords fulfilled the Jedi prophecy, restoring balance to the Force. With his destiny complete, the Chosen One passed into the Force as Anakin Skywalker.

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What body parts did Anakin lose?

As a young Jedi Knight, Anakin lost a hand in a battle with Count Dooku, which received a robotic replacement. He later returned the favor by removing both of Dooku’s hands. Eventually, he lost both his legs and his remaining arm in the climactic duel on Mustafar between both he and Obi-Wan.

Why did Vader become weaker?

Initially he was definitely weaker as he lost at lot of his power from his injuries and loss of his limbs. Before the accident he had twice the potential power of that if Darth Sidious. Afterwards his maximum potential power diminished to 80\% of that Sidious.

Did Vader ever kill Anakin Skywalker?

Throughout the Dark Times, the former Anakin Skywalker brought fear to the galaxy in his capacity as the Emperor’s dark enforcer. However, in spite of his deep immersion in darkness, Vader never succeeded in fully killing the side of himself that was Skywalker.

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How did Anakin Skywalker become one with the force?

Having destroyed the Sith and fulfilled his destiny as the Chosen One, Skywalker made peace with his son and became one with the Force . Anakin Skywalker was one of the most powerful Jedi and Sith in galactic history.

How did Vader become one with the force?

The pain inflicted on his son awakened the part of Vader that was still Anakin, resulting in a redeemed Skywalker killing Sidious at the cost of his own life. Having destroyed the Sith and fulfilled his destiny as the Chosen One, Skywalker made peace with his son and became one with the Force .

Is Darth Vader weaker than he once was?

As you can see, the quote makes it pretty clear that Darth Vader is a lot weaker than he once was. In Empire of Dreams, Lucas says this: However, after all of his limbs were severed, and he was extremely burned on Mustafar, he lost much of his Force potential.