
How was Darth Sidious trained?

How was Darth Sidious trained?

Darth Plagueis
Born on the Mid Rim planet Naboo around 84 BBY during the Republic Era, Sidious possessed a strong connection to the Force, and was secretly trained in the ways of the Sith by Darth Plagueis.

Why did Palpatine have 2 apprentices?

He decided there should only be one apprentice because if there were multiple the strongest would be held back by the weaker apprentices, this also prevented the weaker apprentices joining together to defeat the more powerful master leaving the master to be replaced by someone weaker.

How did maul become Sidious apprentice?

Maul was given to Darth Sidious by Mother Talzin at an early age. Sidious turned Maul’s own philosophy against him when he killed Savage, declaring that there could only be one Master and one apprentice. Unlike Ezra’s teacher Kanan, Maul never hesitated before declaring himself a teacher.

Who was Sidious strongest apprentice?

5. Darth Vader. Of course, Darth Vader is the most important apprentice of Darth Sidious. Anakin Skywalker was a young boy when Palpatine began building a relationship with him, working behind-the-scenes to ensure the “Chosen One” would join the Dark Side when the time came.

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Who trained Sheev Palpatine?

3. He was trained by Darth Plagueis… As Palpatine tells Anakin right at the cusp of the Jedi’s downfall, Darth Plagueis knew how powerful, corrupt Force users could learn to live beyond death.

How did Darth Sidious become Darth Bane’s apprentice?

But he became the Sith apprentice to Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Plagueis and took on the name Darth Sidious. As a Sith Lord, Sidious learned all his Sith Master knew about the dark side of the Force and studied the Force as their predecessors, including the ancient Darth Bane, knew it. [source?]

Who is the apprentice of Darth Vader?

―Darth Sidious, to his apprentice Darth Vader. A Sith apprentice was a Force-sensitive individual trained by a Sith Master to use the dark side of the Force. The age at which a Sith apprentice began their training varied. Darth Maul became apprenticed to Darth Sidious while still a child.

Who was Palpatine’s apprentice?

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Star Wars: Every Apprentice Palpatine Had (In Canon and Legends) 1 Darth Maul. The terrifying Zabrak Darth Maul was not only trained by Palpatine but raised by him as well. Taken from his homeworld of Iridonia at a 2 Darth Tyranus. 3 Darth Vader. 4 Sly Moore. 5 Mara Jade.

What is a Sith apprentice?

A Sith apprentice was a Force-sensitive individual trained by a Sith Master to use the dark side of the Force. The age at which a Sith apprentice began their training varied.