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What is the point of English class in high school?

What is the point of English class in high school?

Through the study of literature, high school English classes provide students with a window to the world, so they can understand and appreciate the universal aspects of the human experience.

Why is high school English important?

High School English teachers introduce students to literary masterpieces, thus broadening their academic and cultural literacy. The ability to write a well-organized paper with developed thoughts and proper grammar is one of the most important skills needed for students pursuing higher education.

What do you expect from an English class?

What to Expect From a College English Class

  • Reading. Throughout the semester, you will be expected to perform close readings of various texts, such as poetry, essays or works of fiction and nonfiction.
  • Writing.
  • Revising.
  • Taking Exams.
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How does English class help you in life?

English courses can be helpful for improving your fluency in speaking, polishing your writing skills and targeting specific skills you need for a particular social or professional environment. Such courses can also be enjoyable and enriching.

Why is English language class interesting?

Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or for finding work abroad. It’s also the language of international communication, the media and the internet, so learning English is important for socialising and entertainment as well as work!

How English can help me in the future?

Learning English will increase your chances to get a job, participate in discussions, and improve your networking skills. English helps you increase your educational opportunities. When you learn English, you can attend international schools around the world and become better educated.

What is the effect of learning English to your future?

Learning English Can Make You Smarter. On top of all of these benefits, learning a new language such as English helps your brain function in new ways. Literally! Research also shows that bilingualism can keep the brain strong and healthy into old age, and helps with memory, concentration and other skills.

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What do you enjoy about learning English?

i love english , i read everyday , this month presicely i’ve read 3 novels and it is amazing what you get reading ,it is exciting to speak in another language, what words to use, to give life through your knowledge to the language you are learning but when i have to write and put my ideas in paper i find it a bit …

Why does English matter in school?

Whether you are taking an English class in middle school, high school college or graduate school, you may wonder why English matters, particularly if you plan to study or work in a field in which you think English is irrelevant. Possibly the most important reason to take an English class is its relevance to virtually all fields and careers.

What is English Language Arts in high school?

In high-school English Language Arts, students read works of literature and informational texts with a critical eye. They will read classic and contemporary works from various eras, cultures, and world views.

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What are the benefits of taking English class?

Because English emphasizes reading and writing, your vocabulary and grasp of English grammar will improve if you take English class seriously. The more words you have at your fingertips, and the more comfortable you are using them accurately in sentences, the easier it will be for you to communicate with others.

How challenging is English composition-I?

My experiences in this six-week English Composition-I class have been challenging and rewarding, as well as educating and developing. As far as challenging, I have only been able to attend half of the classes and therefore have only learned half as much as I could have learned otherwise.