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How did Polynesians spread across the Pacific?

How did Polynesians spread across the Pacific?

Polynesians made contact with nearly every island within the vast Polynesian Triangle, using outrigger canoes or double-hulled canoes. Navigators travelled to small inhabited islands using wayfinding techniques and knowledge passed by oral tradition from master to apprentice, often in the form of song.

Who first settled Melanesia and from where did they come?

Who first settled Melanesia and from where did they come? The Austronesian from Southeast Asia first settled Melanesia 4,000 years ago.

Who took the Pacific Islands in World War II?

(Image: The National WWII Museum, 2002.069. 144.) Following its attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941), the Japanese Imperial Navy occupied islands throughout the western Pacific Ocean.

Why did the US take islands in the Pacific?

In order to defeat Japan, the United States came up with a plan that was known as “Island Hopping”. Through this measure, the U.S. hoped to gain military bases and secure as many small islands in the Pacific as they could.

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How did Polynesian wayfinders navigate the Pacific ocean?

The early Polynesian voyagers were some of the best wayfinders in history (Fig. 8.3). They were able to find their way across vast reaches of the Pacific ocean basin navigating by the sun, stars, and other natural cues.

How did humans get to remote islands?

Most islands were discovered by fishermen blown far out to sea for days and weeks but managed to sail home. They had memorized the star pattern at dusk ( depending on the season ) for both the discovered island and their home island as well as ocean currents and wind patterns.

Why is Polynesia different to Melanesia and Micronesia?

Micronesia is made up of small islands, Polynesia has many islands, and Melanesia is inhabited by black people. Or at least that’s what their names mean, it’s not exactly modern ethnology. But they do form groups of similar culture.

Who named Polynesia Melanesia and Micronesia?

Jules Dumont d’Urville
The name Melanesia (in French, Mélanésie) was first used in 1832 by French navigator Jules Dumont d’Urville: he coined the terms Melanesia and Micronesia along the preexisting Polynesia to designate what he viewed as the three main ethnic and geographical regions forming the Pacific.

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What is Guadalcanal called now?

At the end of World War II, Honiara, on the north coast of Guadalcanal, became the new capital of the British Solomon Islands Protectorate….Guadalcanal.

Native name: Isatabu
Province Guadalcanal Province
Largest settlement Honiara (pop. 92,344 (2021)
Population 161,197 (2021)

Who started the Pacific War?

In accordance with the decisions of November, Japan’s war against the Western Powers opened on December 7, 1941, with the surprise attack on the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, by about 360 aircraft from the carriers of Vice Adm. Nagumo Chuichi’s strike force.

Why were the Pacific Islands attacked and seized?

Why were the Pacific islands attacked and seized during the Allied “island-hopping” chosen? They were the least heavily defended by Japan. General Douglas MacArthur devised the strategy of “island-hopping” which meant that the Allies would seize islands that were not well-defended but were closer to Japan.

Who are the Polynesians in the Pacific?

The Polynesians, including the Hawaiians, Samoans, Tongans, Maori, and Tahitians, make up the best known and largest populations in the Pacific. The other two groups are the peoples of Micronesia (little islands) and Melanesia (dark skins).

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When did the Austronesians come to Melanesia?

Another wave of Austronesian migrants, originating ultimately from Taiwan, arrived in Melanesia much later, probably between 4000 and 3000 BC. They settled mostly along the north coast of New Guinea and on the islands to its north and east. When they arrived, they came into contact with the much more ancient indigenous Papuan-speaking peoples.

What is the difference between Melanesia and Micronesia?

Comparatively, in Melanesia, the diversity and social structural grandeur is less. Micronesia, on the other hand, consists of a large number of small islands and is home to many indigenous people. What is Polynesia? Polynesia refers to the east central region of Oceania.

What is the ancestry of the Melanesians?

When focusing on the ancestry of the Melanesian people, African and aboriginal origins are clearly visible. The people in Melanesia speak Papuan or Austronesian languages. Although Melanesian cultures may not be as advanced and sophisticated as the Polynesian cultures, the artistic skills of Melanesians are considered to be truly unique.