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Why do I feel like converting to Islam?

Why do I feel like converting to Islam?

Individuals are motivated to convert for many reasons: some relate to personal transformation and identity, others to external social and political factors. Theological explanations are often given, and many converts consider themselves destined or called by God to turn to Islam.

How is a person converted to Islam?

The only condition for the person who converts is to declare, usually in presence of two witnesses, the shahadah: “I bear witness that there is no God but God (Allah) Himself, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger.” Anyone who says this credo is considered to be a Muslim.

What is Islam answer?

Islam means “surrender” and its central idea is a surrendering to the will of God. Its central article of faith is that “There is no god but God and Muhammad is his messenger”. Followers of Islam are called Muslims.

Is it haram to show a little bit of hair?

A little hair is not haram. Many women lose their edges from covering consistently and dealing with men who follow the advice of humans that have strayed from the meaning in the Quran and “agreed” on bid’ah. God has commanded the women to cover their hair.

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How can I convert to Islam?

Converting to Islam is a very easy process and can be done online in privacy, or you can also do it in the presence of other Muslims. If you have a real desire to be a Muslim and believe that Islam is the true religion of God, then, all you need to do is say the “Shahada” (Declaration of Faith).

How can I embrace Islam as my faith?

For a Muslim, every action begins with your intention: Quietly, to yourself, make the intention to embrace Islam as your faith. Say the following words with clarity of intention, firm faith, and belief: Say: ” Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill Allah .” (I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah.)

How to become a Muslim as a new Muslim?

As a New Muslim. Becoming a Muslim is a not a once-and-done process. It requires dedication to learning and practicing an acceptable Islamic lifestyle: Pray and practice Islam in your daily life. Continue to learn, study, and grow in your new faith. Seek support from Muslims if available.

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Do I need Muslim witnesses to convert to Islam?

It is not required to have Muslim witnesses to your conversion, but many prefer to have such support. Ultimately, though, God is your final witness. In Islam, there is a very clearly defined procedure for making your conversion/reversion to the faith.