
Is it haram to pray Fajr at sunrise?

Is it haram to pray Fajr at sunrise?

It is strictly haram to offer prayer during Sunrise, Sunset and mid-noon when sun reaches at highest point and starts lowering. You must pray it in the time between dawn until sun rise. In case you miss that time then you must pray it as a make up afterward, the sooner the better.

Can you pray Fajr at 5am?

Though it’s best to pray fajr at the beginning of it’s time, the time for fajr remains from the break of dawn till the sunrise. So yes you can pray fajr 30 minutes before sunrise. Sure, but offer in your community Mosque (if you have one).

When is the best time to pray Fajr?

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If the stated time of fajr is 05:00 am, chances are the sun has risen by 07:00am! The fajr prayer time is valid just before the sun is seen rising from the eastern horizon. As soon as one can actually see the first sign of the sun itself on the eastern horizon, the time of fajr is over. Your question: And should one avoid praying at that time?

Do we pray Magrib before or after Fajr prayer?

Unless, one is praying Magrib (or any prayer) in congregation; then he should pray the prayer that is being prayed in congregation and then pray his fajr prayers. Your question: If the fajr prayer time is 5 am then till what time is it ada?

What happens if the time runs out during Fajr prayer?

The Hanafis ruled that the `Asr prayer would be considered valid if the deficiency entered upon it, as the time is still present, yet the Fajr prayer would not. Therefore, if the time ran out during your Fajr prayer, your prayer would be invalidated, and you would need to make it up (qada’) after sunrise.

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What is the difference between Fajr and Asr prayer?

This consideration only applies to two prayer times, namely Fajr, when the time exits, and `Asr, at the end of its time. The Hanafis ruled that the `Asr prayer would be considered valid if the deficiency entered upon it, as the time is still present, yet the Fajr prayer would not.