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What are the differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims?

What are the differences between Sunni and Shia Muslims?

Sunni and Shia Muslims follow the Quran as well as the Prophet’s hadith (sayings) and sunna (customs). These are fundamental practices in the Islamic faith. They also adhere to ​ the five pillars of Islam : shahada, salat, zakat, sawm, and hajj. Shia Muslims tend to feel animosity towards some of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad.

Why is coexistence between Sunnis and Shiites so difficult?

It is in areas of the world where Sunni and Shiite populations are in close proximity that conflict can arise. Coexistence in Iraq and Lebanon, for example, is often difficult. The religious differences are so embedded in the culture that intolerance often leads to violence.

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Do Shias accept all Sunni hadiths?

Shias do not accept many Sunni hadiths unless they are also recorded in Shia sources or the methodology can be proven of how they were recorded.

Is there conflict between Shia and Sunnis in South Asia?

In recent years, Sunni–Shia relations have been increasingly marked by conflict, particularly the Iran–Saudi Arabia proxy conflict. Sectarian violence persists to this day from Pakistan to Yemen and is a major element of friction throughout the Middle East and South Asia.

Do Shia Muslims read a different Quran for every day?

The misconception that Shia Muslims read a different Quran is completely false. There is only one Quran, and one of the miracles of our religion is the preservation of the original Quran recited by Prophet Mohammad.

Do Shia Muslims only love Imam Ali and Imam Hussein?

Shia Muslims only love Imam Ali and Imam Hussein and not Prophet Mohammad This accusation is very common and clearly shows a lack of knowledge on the part of those participating in this misconception. Shia Muslims have pride in loving the Prophet, as well as loving his family which he encouraged us to do.

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Where does the Shia religion come from?

Shia can be found from South Asia to West Africa, north to the south, and even among minority Muslims communities in western countries. Is there a clear way to distinguish between Sunni and Shia?

What is behind the Shiite-Sunni split?

The Origins Of The Shiite-Sunni Split : Parallels The division between Islam’s Shiite minority and the Sunni majority is deepening across the Middle East.

Why are there so many Shias in India?

Also potentially, there are as many Shias in India as there are in Iraq. The Mahdi is the prophesied redeemer of Islam. While Shias and Sunnis differ on the nature of the Mahdi, many members of both groups believe that the Mahdi will appear at the end of the world to bring about a perfect and just Islamic society.