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Is it a good idea to use the listing agent to buy?

Is it a good idea to use the listing agent to buy?

For home buyers in a competitive market, using a seller’s agent can seem like a smart way to win a bid on a house. The biggest advantage may not be saving money, but the possibility of having a leg up on other buyers by having the seller’s agent know what the other offers are and helping you make the best offer.

Is it bad to use the same Realtor as the seller?

When working with a seller’s agent can go wrong for a buyer The biggest issue with dual agency is that having the same person represent both sides can be seen as an ethical dilemma. “If a listing agent has already established a relationship with the seller, they may want to settle with a higher price,” says Minkiewicz.

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Is it OK to contact the sellers agent?

Can A Buyer And Seller Communicate Directly? While it is unethical for a REALTOR to speak to another agent’s client, there is nothing wrong with a buyer and seller communicating directly. They are not held to the same ethical standards. It is completely ok for a buyer and seller to directly speak to each other.

Is it smart to have the same realtor as the seller?

Using one agent for both buying and selling might seem like the easiest solution, but that’s true only if your agent is up to the task on both ends of the sale. This means your agent is comfortable with representing you as both a seller and a buyer, and also that she’s familiar with both neighborhoods.

Is it OK to contact seller directly?

Do Realtors lie?

Yes, the occasional real estate agent might lie about an offer. However, the vast majority would never do so. In real estate personal recommendations and reputation are critical to success. The loss to an agents professional reputation and the subsequent impact on their business would far outweigh any financial gain.

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Should you use a listing agent when buying a home?

“The seller’s agent cannot help the buyer assess whether the home is priced fairly and will only provide pricing information that supports the seller’s listing price,” Taylor says. The listing agent is focused on the seller’s property and it isn’t their job to find the buyer the best property that fit his or her needs, she says.

Should you contact a buyer’s agent or seller’s agent?

A seller’s agent may seem anxious to help a buyer as a customer, especially since they’re collecting both sides of a commission, says Bruce Taylor, president of ERA Key Realty Services. “The only possible advantage is that in talking directly to the seller’s agent, the buyer might learn something that a buyer’s agent might not know,” he says.

Do home buyers need an agent to make an offer?

Home buyers going directly to the listing agent in hopes of saving money when making an offer are more likely to end up spending more money than if they had their own real estate agent. Real estate listing contracts specify up front the amount the real estate agents will get paid regardless of how many agents are involved.

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Can a listing agent Sue a buyer for a disputing offer?

Disputes can arise as to who this actually was when a listing agent shows a home to a prospective buyer who then turns around and makes the offer with a different agent. 3 Proving procuring cause can be a long, complicated process, but agents who sue over it are typically those who first showed the home to the buyer.