What is a polemic person?

What is a polemic person?

Definition of polemic 1a : an aggressive attack on or refutation of the opinions or principles of another. b : the art or practice of disputation or controversy —usually used in plural but singular or plural in construction. 2 : an aggressive controversialist : disputant.

What is a polemic argument?

Polemic (/pəˈlɛmɪk/) is contentious rhetoric intended to support a specific position by forthright claims and to undermine the opposing position. The practice of such argumentation is called polemics. A person who writes polemics, or speaks polemically, is called a polemicist.

What is polemic poetry?

We could begin by defining a polemical poem as a species of literary text which undertakes to move the reader towards the adoption of a particular position on a moral or political issue.

What is an example of polemic?

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Polemic is a controversy, debate or dispute, or a person who is inclined to argue. A written attack on a political decision is an example of a polemic. A person who argues about science or religion or about how science and religion intersect is an example of a polemic. noun.

Is polemic a bad word?

A polemic is something that stirs up controversy by having a negative opinion, usually aimed at a particular group. A piece of writing can be a polemic, as long as it gets someone’s goat. Polemic comes from the Greek polemikos meaning “warlike, belligerent.” It’s like challenging someone to a duel of ideas.

What is the opposite of polemic?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for polemic. acclaim, applause, commendation, praise.

Can a person be a polemic?

A person who writes in support of one opinion, doctrine, or system, in opposition to another; one skilled in polemics; a controversialist; a disputant.

What are examples of polemics?

Polemic is a controversy, debate or dispute, or a person who is inclined to argue. A written attack on a political decision is an example of a polemic. A person who argues about science or religion or about how science and religion intersect is an example of a polemic.

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Which word is the most similar in meaning to polemic?

synonyms for polemic

  • belligerent.
  • contrary.
  • eristic.
  • combative.
  • contentious.
  • controversial.
  • disputatious.
  • factious.
