What are the common Selenium exceptions?

What are the common Selenium exceptions?

SessionNotFoundException: Webdriver is acting immediately after ‘quitting’ the browser. TimeoutException: The command did not complete in the specified time. For example, the element didn’t display at the specified time. WebDriverException: Webdriver is acting immediately after ‘closing’ the browser.

Can you list some exceptions in Selenium?

Selenium exceptions are divided into two types including Checked Exceptions and Unchecked Exceptions. These exceptions are thrown at runtime. Unchecked exceptions are more catastrophic than the compile-time exception as it causes problems while running Automation pack in headless.

How many exceptions are there in Selenium?

Checked vs Unchecked Exception Basically, there are 2 types of exceptions in Selenium and they are as follows: Checked Exception. Unchecked Exception.

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Does Selenium support C sharp?

C# is another programming language that also supports the binding with Selenium. And this language binding will be updated along with the java program.

What is POM in Selenium Java?

Page Object Model, also known as POM, is a design pattern in Selenium that creates an object repository for storing all web elements. It is useful in reducing code duplication and improves test case maintenance.

What all difficulties you have faced in Selenium?

One of the top challenges faced in Selenium automation is the handling of dynamic web content. Selenium solves for it using the explicit wait feature, where you specify a pre-defined time for the automation testing process to wait for new content to load.

What is no such element exception in selenium?

NoSuchElementException is one of the different WebDriver Exceptions and this Exception occurs, when the locators (i.e. id / xpath/ css selectors etc) we mentioned in the Selenium Program code is unable to find the web element on the web page.

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What is NUnit in Selenium?

NUnit is the Unit Testing framework supported by Visual Studio and Selenium WebDriver. NUnit is the most widely used Unit Testing framework for . Net applications. NUnit presents the test results in a readable format and allows a tester to debug the automated tests.

Is PHP supported by Selenium?

The Selenium automation framework supports many programming languages such as Python, PHP, Perl, Java, C#, and Ruby.

What are exceptions C?

Advertisements. An exception is a problem that arises during the execution of a program. A C++ exception is a response to an exceptional circumstance that arises while a program is running, such as an attempt to divide by zero. Exceptions provide a way to transfer control from one part of a program to another.

What are the types of exception?

Exceptions can be categorized into two ways:

  • Built-in Exceptions. Checked Exception. Unchecked Exception.
  • User-Defined Exceptions.

What are the most common exceptions in Selenium WebDriver?

Here is a list of some of the most popular exceptions in Selenium WebDriver, which you may or may not encounter. TimeoutException: Thrown when there is not enough time for a command to complete.

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What is nosuchelementexception in selenium?

This Selenium exception occurs when an element is presented in the DOM, but you can be able to select. Therefore, it is not possible to interact. NoSuchElementException : This Exception occurs if an element could not be found. NoSuchFrameException : This Exception occurs if the frame target to be switched to does not exist. NoAlertPresentException

Why the command may not be completed in selenium?

The command may not be completed as the element receiving the events is concealing the element which was requested clicked. This Selenium exception is thrown when any element is presented in the DOM. However, it is impossible to interact with such an element. This happens while interacting with the Firefox extension or the remote driver server.

What is elementnotinteractableexception in selenium?

ElementNotInteractableException This ‘ElementNotInteractableException’ Selenium exception is thrown when even though the targeted web element exists on the DOM, interactions with that element will hit another web element.