
Why does God allow us to fail?

Why does God allow us to fail?

God loves us, but because of our sinful nature, He allows these things to happen. He knows that by allowing us to experience failure, pain, and struggle, we will grow stronger in our faith and to become closer to Him and moving away from sin. God does not cause suffering, but He can and may allow it to accomplish good.

What God says about struggling?

Nehemiah 8:10 Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Exodus 15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.

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Why did God let me live?

God’s given us a free will and the power of self-determination and allows us to choose the life we live, even if it’s a life of rejecting His love, and living in sin instead. As long as God would let him live, he would walk in the light, and in fellowship with Him, and be a witness and testimony to His saving grace.

How many times Have you failed at something in Your Life?

At least once in your life, you are going to fail at something. Your talent, intelligence, hard work, and/or passion will not be able to save you. Failure is inevitable. Everybody has failed, although some refuse to admit it.

Why is it okay to fail in life?

6 Reasons It’s Okay To Fail 1. Failure is inevitable. 2. You learn substantially more from failure than success. 3. Failure makes you stronger. 4. You take more chances when you’re unafraid to fail. 5. Failure allows you to discover new paths. 6. Failure makes success that much sweeter.

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Do you learn more from failures or success?

You learn substantially more from failure than success. There is always room for improvement no matter how great you are. Sometimes, you’ll never know which areas need improvement unless you fail. It’s like training for a job. When you first start, your supervisor may bring to your attention some things you’ve done incorrectly.

Is failure inevitable?

Failure is inevitable. At least once in your life, you are going to fail at something. Your talent, intelligence, hard work, and/or passion will not be able to save you. Failure is inevitable. Everybody has failed, although some refuse to admit it.