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What is another words for issue?

What is another words for issue?

synonyms for issue

  • affair.
  • argument.
  • concern.
  • controversy.
  • matter.
  • point.
  • problem.
  • question.

What is another word for issues or concerns?

What is another word for issue?

matter subject
topic concern
point question
affair case
controversy dispute

What is a positive word for issue?

“Issues” is often a euphemism for “problems.” “Issues” sounds more neutral and makes the speaker or writer sound more “educated.” Issues are normally serious questions worthy of study and debate. “Questions” is just as good a word. Perhaps “ situations “ is a word you could use in the proper context . Challenges.

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Is issue and problem the same?

An issue is a factor that might cause you some annoyance. A problem can impact people and situations around you, even if they are not directly related to the problem. For instance, forgetting your lunch is an issue, but losing your job is a problem.

What is a positive word for problem?

Another word for problem is situation. That is a positive word that is being used in business. Situations leave you for solutions to the situation. When some people hear problem, it conjures up that it is a negative situation.

What is an issue problem?

An issue is a situation that needs a discussion or a debate, whereas a problem requires an urgent solution. An issue has a small or no impact on people, whereas a problem can significantly affect people. An issue is not life-altering. It does not create any other serious situations.

Does issue mean problem?

What’s the problem? There are many words that are close in meaning to problem, such as trouble or challenge. A more formal word that sometimes has the same meaning as problem is “issue.” It can mean a topic or subject. At meetings, “issue” is used for an important problem that people debate or talk about.

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What can I say instead of big problems?

What is another word for big problem?

huge problem large difficulty
large problem major obstacle
serious complication serious dilemma
serious predicament serious problem

What is a difficult problem called?

Noun. Difficult situation. tricky situation. predicament.

Is problem and issue the same?

What is an example of an issue?

The definition of an issue is something that is discussed, distributed or the offspring of someone. An example of issue is the subject of abortion. An example of issue is the latest edition of Family Circle. An example of issue is the children of someone named in a will.

What’s different between problem and trouble?

to generalize, a problem is a single issue while trouble can imply several related problems (or sources of problems) that are related to one thing, or to each other. Trouble means that you did something wrong, so you are in trouble. While problem means that something is wrong, as in a glitch, so there is a problem.

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What are synonyms for issues?

Synonyms for Issues: n. v. •exits (verb) departs, vents, Outgoes, runs off, drains, spouts, exhausts, discharges, outflows, exits.

What is a synonym for the word issue?

Synonyms of issue. aftereffect, aftermath, backwash, child, conclusion, consequence, corollary, development, effect, fate, fruit, outcome, outgrowth, precipitate, product, result, resultant, sequel, sequence, upshot.

What is the meaning of the word issue?

issue(noun) an important question that is in dispute and must be settled. the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone; politicians never discuss the real issues. issue, number(noun) one of a series published periodically.

What is a synonym for issued?

Synonyms for Issuing: adj. •streaming (adjective) pouring. n. •issuing (noun) issuance, issue. v. •exiting (verb) draining, exiting, departing, spouting, venting, running off, exhausting, Discharging.