
Why is a platinum electrode required in most of these half cells?

Why is a platinum electrode required in most of these half cells?

Re: When to use Platinum Using an inert electrode (most often Pt) allows the half of the cell to facilitate reduction/oxidation when the solution is fully aqueous. Electrons will be transferrable on the surface of the electrode.

Why is platinum used in electrochemical cells?

Platinum is used in electrochemical cells because it is resistant to oxidation- it will not easily react, which makes in excellent as an electrode as it will not take part in the Redox reactions occurring in electrochemical cells.

Why is platinum used as the electrode on the cathode side?

It is necessary to use an inert electrode, such as platinum, because there is no metal present to conduct the electrons from the anode to the cathode. Oxidation occurs at the anode and reduction at the cathode.

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Why is platinum used as an anode?

#2: Chemical Behavior of Platinum and Titanium Platinum is preferred on an anode’s outer surface because it is highly resistant to corrosion and can ensure current flow in most electrolyte media without leading to the formation of an insulating layer on itself.

Why is platinum used?

A shiny, silvery-white metal as resistant to corrosion as gold. Platinum is used extensively for jewellery. Its main use, however, is in catalytic converters for cars, trucks and buses. Platinum is used in the chemicals industry as a catalyst for the production of nitric acid, silicone and benzene.

Why platinum electrode is used in potentiometric titration?

Platinum redox electrodes are used in redox potentiometric titrations. In excess of oxidant oxide films are formed on the platinum electrodes. The potential response of the electrode is distorted, and the film must be removed. Gold redox electrodes are seldom used in potentiometric titrations.

Why is platinum electrode coated with platinum black?

The platinum black provides a very high surface area that promotes the speed of reaction at the electrode and thereby virtually eliminates overpotential at the standard hydrogen electrode.

Why platinum electrode is used in electrolysis of acidified water?

Electrolysis of acidified water using platinum electrodes gives___________. hydroxide ions which formed after dissociation of water molecules. So we have added some acids like dilute Sulfuric acid to carry out electrolysis.

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What is platinum and palladium used for?

Both platinum and palladium are used in automotive catalytic converters, electrodes in medical equipment, and in fine jewelry. Platinum is also used in dentistry, in the form of surgical instruments and electrical contacts, as well as in the production of strong, permanent magnets.

What is the purpose of a potentiometric titration?

Potentiometric titration is a laboratory method to determine the concentration of a given analyte. It is used in the characterization of acids. In this method, there is no use of a chemical indicator. Instead, the electric potential across the substance is measured.

Why reference electrode is necessary in potentiometric titration?

The indicator electrode forms an electrochemical half cell with the interested ions in the test solution. The reference electrode forms the other half cell. Thus the potentiometric titration involve measurement of Ecell with the addition of titrant.

How is platinum used?

A shiny, silvery-white metal as resistant to corrosion as gold. Platinum is used extensively for jewellery. Its main use, however, is in catalytic converters for cars, trucks and buses. Platinum is also used to make optical fibres and LCDs, turbine blades, spark plugs, pacemakers and dental fillings.

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Why does platinum not take part in Fe2+ and Fe3+ reactions?

Because it cannot be iron since both Fe2+ and Fe3+ are ions in solution. If the electrode was iron then Fe (s) would take part in the reaction. The same goes for most other metals. Platinum is very noble so it will not take part in a reaction like this, at the same time it is very good at catalyzing the reaction.

Why is platinum used as an electrode in a hydrogen cell?

Platinum is used because it can easily adsorb hydrogen as well as being inert metal does not participates in redox reaction during working of cell. platinum is a inert electrode,thus it do not participate in the cell reaction but provide a surface or platform for oxidation and reduction reaction.

What is the role of platinum in electroplating?

platinum is a inert electrode,thus it do not participate in the cell reaction but provide a surface or platform for oxidation and reduction reaction.

Why is Fe3+ more stable than Fe2+?

The reason why fe3+ is more stable than fe2+ is because, in fe2+ there are 6 electrons in d orbital as compared to 5 electrons in the case of fe3+. Since 10 electrons make fully filled d orbital (most