What is the largest codebase?

What is the largest codebase?

As you can see, Google has by far the largest codebase of all. And all 2 billion lines of code fits into a single code repository.

What is unmaintainable code?

Unmaintainable code comes from five core practices: Naming: use single-letters, typos and a baby name book. Coding style: obfuscate, ‘optimise’, avoid consistency. Code structure: copy-paste, break encapsulation, use global/static members, wrap unnecessarily. Documentation: lie, state the obvious, leave placeholders.

What is the longest code ever written?

Well, the largest program ever written would be from the Human Genome Project: This is an open source project aimed at figuring out the sequence of human DNA. The software for analyzing the human genome and map the nucleotide base pairs of DNA took 3300 billion lines of code.

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How do you choose variable names?

The variable name must describe the information represented by the variable. A variable name should tell you concisely in words what the variable stands for. Your code will be read more times than it is written. Prioritize how easy your code is to read over than how quick it is to write.

How many lines of code is Tesla?

It includes the Webkit browser – which is around 140,000 lines. If I had to guess, I’d say that the Tesla code in the display computer is under a million lines – so we’re probably still not far off 30 to 31 million lines.

How many lines of code is tinder?

And todays Whatsapp could be anywhere between 100k lines of code to 1million lines of code, since you need to send images, videos, Payments etc. And Tinder has at least a few million lines of Code considering it algorithm and Stuff.

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How many lines of code is Minecraft?

Depending on how you count (whether or not you count blank lines and such), Minecraft: Java Edition has between 160 thousand and 600 thousand lines of code. The splash screen talking about billions of lines of code is a joke.

What characters are illegal SPSS?

The $ sign is not allowed as the initial character of a user-defined variable. The period, the underscore, and the characters $, #, and @ can be used within variable names. Reserved keywords cannot be used as variable names. Reserved keywords are ALL, AND, BY, EQ, GE, GT, LE, LT, NE, NOT, OR, TO, and WITH.