Why do I look so young compared to others my age?

Why do I look so young compared to others my age?

They go through an aging process. When it comes to people and the aging process, some tend to look older than they are while others the same age may look considerably younger, due to differences in the acceleration of their biological age relative to their chronological age, as explained in an EBioMedicine article.

Is it bad if you look older than you are?

Even though most adults want to avoid looking older than their actual age, new research shows that looking older does not necessarily point to poor health. The study found that a person needed to look at least 10 years older than their actual age before assumptions about their health could be made.

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Can stress make you look older?

Research has found that chronic stress can increase inflammation, causing skin aging and accelerating the formation of wrinkles. Aging, genetics, exposure to sunlight, and unhealthy lifestyle choices can also cause skin wrinkles.

What is the disease that makes you look old?

Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by the dramatic, rapid appearance of aging beginning in childhood.

Do You Ever Look Younger or older than your age?

You can go through periods of looking your age or looking younger/older. When I was 16, people thought I was 35. (That sucked) In my 20s i looked my age. Sometime people guessed I was even younger than I was. Now in my thirties, people guess me to be my age about 50\% of the time, and younger 50\%.

Is it possible to be Asian and still look like a 12?

Yes, being asian predominantly means inheritance factors playing a part in your developing You haven’t gone through puberty if you’re still looking like a 12 year old. I could give you help of how to look your age if I knew what you look like and what’s disproportionate in you. Rep:?

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What is the difference between 16 and 18 years old?

Besides, if you’re 16 and people say you’re 18, it’s not a huge difference. Hope this helps. You may or may not look older for the rest of your life.

Is it weird to have a baby face at 18 years old?

No its not weird. You just have a babyface with great genetics. Take it from someone who is 18 who looks 13 years of age. I get questions all the time, “how old are you?”, “really, you’re 18?”, or “You’re joking right? But you look like a kid”. I use to be irritated by these and people saying that every time I meet new ones.