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Do French read a lot?

Do French read a lot?

Results show that the French do read — 9 out of 10 people have read a book over the past year and, on average, people read 16 books a year, out of which 14 are in paper form and 2 ebooks. 60\% said they mostly read for their studies while only 40\% read for pleasure.

What is French literature known for?

For centuries, French literature has been an object of national pride for French people, and it has been one of the most influential components of the literature of Europe. Today, French schools emphasize the study of novels, theater and poetry (often learnt by heart).

Who is the father of French literature?

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He also wrote numerous magazine articles and travel books; his published works totalled 100,000 pages. In the 1840s, Dumas founded the Théâtre Historique in Paris….

Alexandre Dumas
Occupation Novelist, playwright
Period 1829–1869
Literary movement Romanticism and historical fiction

What are the best books to read in France?

This is one of the shortest books on the list and a great place to start if you’re unsure about French literature classics. A staple part of the French curriculum in schools, The Stranger is one of the best modern French novels and one of the most famous French books in the English speaking world.

Is Les Misérables the greatest French novel of all time?

Booker Prize-winning translator David Bellos says Les Misérables is the greatest novel of all time. When it came out, “it was an event bigger than the launch of Titanic and Avatar put together.”. He picks the five greatest French novels.

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What are the best French books to read in Vietnam?

The majority of the classic French books on this list are set in Metropolitan France so the insight into French colonial Vietnam here set this novel apart from the rest. Madame Bovary is one of the most famous French novels ever written. It was the debut novel of Gustave Flaubert and published in the 1850s.

Why study the history of French literature?

Spanning a multitude of periods, genres and forms, the history of French literature provides a wealth of unequalled works which have sparked literary movements, created new conventions, and entertained millions. Here we list twelve pre-World War II classics you have to read. This classic fairy tale is unusual for its length and complexity.