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What is the difference between thinkers and feelers?

What is the difference between thinkers and feelers?

The primary difference between thinking judgments and feeling judgments is the nature of their evaluative criteria. As we will see, thinkers tend to use impersonal, logic-based criteria, while feelers consider tastes and feelings—both their own and others’—in making decisions.

How feelers can communicate with thinkers?

By paying attention to body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice, they can practice adding emotional depth to their listening skills. Feelers can use this opportunity to help their Thinker in this regard which, in turn, will help them communicate clearly and more directly.

Can you be both a thinker and a feeler?

They turn and ask you what you think. Both a Thinker and a Feeler can catch the break in logic, but here’s where they might respond differently. The Thinking and Feeling responses are both kind, helpful, and necessary at times. And yes, sensitive T’s know when to listen patiently, too.

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What is a feeler personality?

Feelers are sensitive to their feelings and to the feelings of others. Some of the characteristics of feelers are: Are very sensitive to conflict; Make decisions based on relationships; React with strong feelings to interpersonal challenges; and.

Why are feelers more common than thinkers?

It’s about decision-making. A Thinker takes a fundamentally more pragmatic approach to life, while Feelers’ decisions are based more on their emotions and values.

Are feelers less intelligent?

Lie #2 – Feelers Are Less Intelligent Than Thinkers A thinking or feeling preference has nothing to do with how intelligent you are, but it does have everything to do with how you make decisions. There’s a certain order that each of us take when we make decisions.

What is the best way to approach feelers?

How Thinkers Can Communicate With The Feelers in Their Lives

  1. Show positivity (Feelers pick up on the unspoken)
  2. Be patient and respectful.
  3. Encourage honesty.
  4. Approach with emotion over logic.
  5. Find the right communication platform.
  6. Do not logic them out of their feelings.
  7. Acknowledge the value of gut instinct.
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How do you deal with a feeler?

Tools for Achieving Thinker/Feeler peace

  1. Make small talk, instead of diving straight into the argument.
  2. Separate the “rational” and the “emotional” sides of an argument and ask the Feeler to tackle the emotional side.

How many people are feelers and thinkers?

Statistics on personality types report that 75.5\% of women are Feelers and 56.5\% of men are Thinkers. So, right off the bat we see that a substantial number of men—about 43\%—have Feeling preferences. Already we see that men are not all the strong silent types who cry only at funerals and the Grand Canyon. But what about the ladies?

Do you know the difference between feeling types and thinkers?

Doesn’t everyone know feeling types are all about emotions and thinkers are all about cold hard facts and logic?” Most people think this is a no-brainer. Most of the time novices to type (or even people who’ve been learning about type for a while) will see someone who’s emotional and instantly type them as a “feeler.”

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What is the difference between emotions and feelers?

In short, thinkers are inclined to judge emotions based on their potential for enhancing vitality or effectiveness. Those viewed as devitalizing are typically pushed aside, while those with enhancing effects are welcomed and pursued. Feelers, by contrast, tend to be more open and welcoming to the full array of human emotions.

What do feelers look for in a person?

This all depends on the level of health of the feeling type. Generally, feelers try to keep a gauge on the emotional “temperature” of a room or person. Because they are looking for the worth, meaning, and significance of words they try to stay tuned into the emotions behind words.