
What is Western science?

What is Western science?

Science or Western science is the system of knowledge which relies on certain laws that have been established through the application of the scientific method to phenomena in the world around us. The process of the scientific method begins with an observation followed by a prediction or hypothesis which is then tested.

Is modern science western?

Modern science arose in Western Europe during the Renaissance and developed mostly in Europe before becoming a worldwide pursuit in the 20th century. Why did modern science originate in Western Europe and not elsewhere?

Is traditional knowledge scientific?

Referred to as indigenous or traditional knowledge, this is a knowledge system distilled from generations of scientific work anchored in rural and tribal communities. It is different to the Western system of empirical, lab-based science — but is equally valid and efficacious.

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What do you understand by traditional knowledge?

Traditional knowledge refers to: knowledge or practices passed down from generation to generation that form part of the traditions or heritage of Indigenous communities. knowledge or practice for which Indigenous communities act as the guardians or custodians.

What is modern Western knowledge?

1. This knowledge is also known as western science. It is knowledge that relies on the established laws through the application of the scientific method to the phenomena. Its method begins with an observation and is followed by a prediction or hypothesis that has to be tested.

What is the relation of traditional knowledge with western science?

Western science is objective and quantitative as opposed to traditional knowledge, which is mainly subjective and qualitative. Western science is based on an academic and literate transmission, while traditional knowledge is often passed on orally from one generation to the next by the elders.

When did modern Western science began?

It was not a fluke that Copernicus, for example, is perceived as one of the leading contributors to the origin of modern science. His idea of a moving earth was important to the mindset of modern science—1543, a 16th-century scientific revolution.

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What is the importance of traditional knowledge?

The transmission of traditional knowledge across generations is fundamental to protecting and promoting indigenous peoples’ cultures and identities and as well as the sustainability of livelihoods, resilience to human-made and natural disasters, and sustaining culturally appropriate economic development.

How important is traditional knowledge?

Traditional knowledge is rooted in Indigenous lifeways and relationships with the environment and is valuable not only to Indigenous Peoples, but to all societies. It must be protected and supported and emphasis must be placed in transmitting Indigenous knowledge to future generations.

How Western knowledge is different from traditional knowledge?

Why traditional knowledge is important?

What is the difference between Western science and indigenous knowledge?

Western science tries to understand the natural world by studying individual parts. In contrast, Indigenous knowledge seeks to understand the world in a more holistic way by observing the connections between all of the parts. Because of these differences, Indigenous knowledge has…

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What is modernism in philosophy?

In this case, “Modernism” usually refers to Neo-Classical, Enlightenment assumptions concerning the role reason, or rationality, or scientific reasoning, play in guiding our understanding of the human condition and, in extreme cases of Postmodern theory, nature itself.

What is the relationship between science and democracy and capitalism?

Also, democracy and capitalism, like all ideologies, are often used to colonize foreign cultures (ie Belgian Congo, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan) or subjugate women etc. Science is an objective means of understanding the natural world and its application can improve our lives.

What is the relationship between capitalism and democracy in Western culture?

C ultural Relativism: Democracy and capitalism are specific Western traditions (ideology) competing with other traditions (China and Russia especially challenge this assumption. Also, democracy and capitalism, like all ideologies, are often used to colonize foreign cultures (ie Belgian Congo, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan) or subjugate women etc.