
What is ligand based drug discovery?

What is ligand based drug discovery?

Ligand-based drug discovery (LBDD) refers to drug discovery efforts in absence of any target structures and in presence of chemical structures known to modulate the target.

Which of the following is structure based drug design technique?

There are three primary methods for structure determination that are useful for drug design: X-ray crystallography, NMR, and homology modeling. The evaluation of structures from each method will be discussed.

What is the difference between drug design and drug discovery?

Drug discovery is the process through which potential new therapeutic entities are identified, using a combination of computational, experimental, translational, and clinical models (see, e.g., [1,2]). Drug design is the inventive process of finding new medications based on the knowledge of a biological target.

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Which of the following approaches is under ligand based drug designing?

Basics of QSAR The most popular approaches for ligand-based drug design are the QSAR method and pharmacophore modeling. QSAR is a computational method to quantify the correlation between the chemical structures of a series of compounds and a particular chemical or biological process.

What is a ligand drug design?

Ligand based drug design is an approach used in the absence of the receptor 3D information and it relies on knowledge of molecules that bind to the biological target of interest.

What is meant by ligand designing?

A more accurate term is ligand design (i.e., design of a molecule that will bind tightly to its target).

What is ligand in drug design?

Why structure based drug design is important?

Structure-based drug design is becoming an essential tool for faster and more cost-efficient lead discovery relative to the traditional method. Genomic, proteomic, and structural studies have provided hundreds of new targets and opportunities for future drug discovery.

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What is de novo ligand design?

Molecular de novo design, which involves incremental construction of a ligand model within a model of the receptor or enzyme active site, produces novel molecular structures with desired pharmacological properties from scratch. De novo molecule-design software is confronted with a virtually infinite search space.

When structurally different drugs give same clinical results it is called?

A. Therapeutic equivalence.

What is ligand based virtual screening?

Ligand-based virtual screening methods use the information present in known active ligands rather than the structure of a target protein for both lead identification and optimization. Thus, the similarity measures consist of geometrical information of arbitrary objects defined on the structures.

What is ligand screening?

Virtual ligand screening uses computation to discover new ligands of a protein by screening one or more of its structural models against a database of potential ligands.