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Is it possible to move an object from one place to another?

Is it possible to move an object from one place to another?


Is it possible to move an object at rest without accelerating it?

Finding the acceleration Thus, even though the velocity of an object at rest must be zero, acceleration can clearly be non-zero for objects at rest. A particle that is thrown vertically upwards stops momentarily at the highest point of motion. What is the acceleration of the particle at the highest point of motion?

How is it possible for something to move if there is no force on it?

Acceleration is the change of velocity per unit time, so if there is no force, all we know is that the acceleration is zero. Therefore, the velocity is not changing. If the object was already moving, then it will just keep moving. So, yes, the object can be moving when there is no force applied to it.

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Can an object move if there is no friction?

A: Motion is indeed possible without friction! Even if an object is stationary in one reference frame, in another reference frame moving with respect the first, that same object will be seen to be moving.

What is the movement of objects from place to place?

An object is moving if its position relative to a fixed point is changing. Even things that appear to be at rest move. When we describe the motion of one object with respect to another, we say that the object is moving relative to the other object.

Which of the following actions can cause an object to move from one place to another?

A force is a push or pull that can cause an object to move, stop, or change speed or direction.

Can there be no acceleration?

Explanation: If there are no forces acting upon the object, then there is no acceleration. If there is no acceleration, then the object will move with a constant velocity. Mathematically, we can look at Newton’s second law and the formula for acceleration.

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How can an object be moving to the right without rightward forces?

An object can be moving to the right even though there are no rightward forces acting upon the object. Even through there are no applied forces the sled maintains a constant velocity. A rightward-moving rocket sled that is slowing down to stop.

Is it possible for an object not to be in motion and still have forces acting on it?

yes it is possible because when the net force is zero and acceleration is zero. so if the object has some constant velocity it continues with the same velocity until it has some external acceleration.

Does space have friction?

While outer space does contain gas, dust, light, fields, and microscopic particles, they are in too low of a concentration to have much effect on spaceships. As a result, there is essentially zero friction in space to slow down moving objects.

Can human live without friction?

A world without friction would be unlivable. The reason why friction is so important to our world, is because it affects everything that’s in motion. When any object is moving, slipping or sliding in one direction, friction is acting in the opposite direction.

What happens when two objects apply force on each other?

The girls in the two situations shown here are applying force on each other. From these examples, we can infer that at least two objects must interact for a force to come into play. Thus, an interaction of one object with another object results in a force between the two objects.

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What causes objects to move in a particular direction?

a) what causes objects to move. b) what causes some objects to move farther than others. Key vocabulary words: Force: any cause that makes on object move or stop. Mass: weight of an object. Friction: a force that happens when one object rubs against another object.

Can you push or lift something without touching it?

Can you push or lift a book lying on a table without touching it? Can you lift a bucket of water without holding it?Generally, to apply a force on an object, your body has to be in contact with the object. The contact may also be with the help of a stick or a piece of rope.

Can a force change the state of motion of an object?

A change in either the speed of an object, or its direction of motion, or both, is described as a change in its state of motion. Thus, a force may bring a change in the state of motion of an object. The state of motion of an object is described by its speed and the direction of motion.