
What were the main sources of revenue for the Mughal government How did Akbar improve the collection of revenue?

What were the main sources of revenue for the Mughal government How did Akbar improve the collection of revenue?

Revenues from land were an important source of income for the state. Apart from land revenues, trade was an other source of revenue. The Mughal state also earned form the toll tax, customs, mints, presents which the king received from the Governors and Ministers as well as Jagirdars on important occasions.

What were the main source of revenue for the Mughal government?

The main source of income available to Mughal rulers was tax on the produce of the peasantry.

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What were the main sources of income during Akbar?

Revenues from land were an important source of income for the state. During the reign of Akbar, a land revenue system known as ‘bandobast’ was introduced by Todar Mal.

Which were the two main sources of revenue?

Explanation: ➡Taxes and trade were the two main sources of revenue.

What was the major source of Mughal income class 7?

from land revenue
Answer: The income from land revenue was the main source of income for the mughal rulers and hence it was very important.

What is the main source of government revenue?

Government also gets money from sin taxes, loans, donations and investments. Local government gets most of its income from selling electricity and water and from a special tax on property called `property rates’. They also get grants from national Treasury for infrastructure and for the equitable share.

What are sources of government revenue?

Tax is one of the major sources of revenue for the government to carry out its work. Tax revenue can be classified into a few major categories — corporation tax, tax on income, Customs, Union excise duties, service tax, and several others. Corporation tax is the biggest source of revenue for the government.

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What was the main source of income for this period?

Answer: The mainstay of the economy under the Mauryas was agriculture, though trade was becoming increasingly more important. It would seem that cultivators formed a majority of the population and taxes on agriculture were the main source of revenue.

How many sources of revenue was collected for the central administration of Mughals?

During Mughal administration there were 3 methods of revenue collection i.e. Kankut, Rai And Zabti.

What is the major source of revenue in India?

Personal income tax is the biggest revenue source.

Was the main revenue to the government?

Corporation tax is the biggest source of revenue for the government. Tax on income is the other source of income for the government.

How did the Mughals improve the system of revenue administration?

REVENUE The Mughals effected considerable improve­ment in the system of revenue administration. Akbar revived the system followed by Sher Shah and also intro­duced a number of reforms in it. He appointed Todar Mal as his finance minister (diwan-i-ashraf) in 1582. With this, a new era of economic reforms began.

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What was the central feature of the agrarian system under the Mughals?

The central feature of the agrarian system under the Mughals was the alienation from the peasant of his surplus produce (produce over and above the subsistence level) in the form of land revenue which was the main source of state’s income. Then, what was the practice revenue collection under the Mughals?

What was the mode of land revenue payment under Akbar?

The government supplied dastur-ul-amal at tehsil level which explained the mode of land revenue payment. Each cultivator received a patta or title deed (land holding deed) and qubuliyat (deed of agreement according to which he had to pay state demand). A number of other systems of assessment were also followed under Akbar.

What were the features of Akbar’s system of cultivation?

Akbar’s system was Ryotwari. He accepted the cultivators as owners of their lands and the state kept direct contact with them for all purposes. The cultivators were given clear pattas by the state on which their quality and quantity of land and the revenue which they had to pay were recorded.