
What SSAT percentile Do you need to get into Exeter?

What SSAT percentile Do you need to get into Exeter?

“90\% Percentile at a bare minimum” for Exeter With that said, most future applicants are still looking for guidance (as well as their parents).

Will I get into Phillips Exeter Academy?

Top 10\% of the class. Rigorous course load or independent work to supplement a less rigorous curriculum. ERB or ISEE scores in the 90th+ percentile. Glowing letters of recommendation from the past several years from his/her previous school.

Is it difficult to get into Exeter?

But some of the best and most prestigious universities in the UK have higher offer rates than you’d expect – Durham and Bath offer places to over 70\% of those who apply, while Exeter offers places to 87.5\% of applicants.

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What is University of Warwick acceptance rate?

14\% (2014)
University of Warwick/Acceptance rate

What are my chances of being accepted to Phillips Exeter Academy?

Originally Answered: What are my chances of being accepted to Phillips Exeter Academy? I believe their acceptance rate now to be between 10-15\%. With that said only the cream of the crop from all over the world apply to be students there.

What is a good SSAT score for Exeter?

A nice ssat score: Exeter students have an average score of 91. Extracurricular activities: e.g) if you are a qualifier of USAMO, you have a very high chance of being accepted. Focus on the one thing you are really good at. (Meaning don’t just list a bunch of things you’ve just done.)

How do I get admission to pea?

You need to contact the Academy’s Admission office. They are always looking for smart new students who will contribute something special to the school. Contact Admissions Simply make clear that you’re interested in coming to PEA.

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Why do so many people apply to Exeter?

Because lots of people apply. And most of those people are smart, and driven, and accomplished. But a lot of those people only apply because it’s Exeter.