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What are my chances of being accepted to Phillips Exeter Academy?

What are my chances of being accepted to Phillips Exeter Academy?

Originally Answered: What are my chances of being accepted to Phillips Exeter Academy? I believe their acceptance rate now to be between 10-15\%. With that said only the cream of the crop from all over the world apply to be students there.

When should I submit my standardized tests to Exeter?

As always, admission decisions are made holistically with a full and equal review of all submitted materials. If you do submit standardized tests, results must be from tests taken no earlier than August of the year preceding the academic start date at Exeter.

How do I apply to Exeter University for 2022-23?

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: Our application for 2022-2023 is now available on the Gateway portal. Application materials: All application materials are due by January 15 and must be submitted via the Gateway portal. Standardized tests : Exeter will be test optional for applicants for fall 2022.

What is a good SSAT score for Exeter?

A nice ssat score: Exeter students have an average score of 91. Extracurricular activities: e.g) if you are a qualifier of USAMO, you have a very high chance of being accepted. Focus on the one thing you are really good at. (Meaning don’t just list a bunch of things you’ve just done.)

What is a typical day like for a student at Exeter?

Exeter also offers over 20 sports and an astounding 111 extracurricular activities, with afternoon activities of sports, arts, or other offerings being required. As such, the typical day for an Exeter student runs from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm.

Why choose Exeter Academy?

There is a 5:1 student to teacher ratio and class sizes average 12, meaning students get personal attention in every course. Writers, stars of stage and screen, business leaders, government leaders, educators, professionals, and other notables litter the glittering list of Exeter Academy alumni and alumnae.

How do I get admission to pea?

You need to contact the Academy’s Admission office. They are always looking for smart new students who will contribute something special to the school. Contact Admissions Simply make clear that you’re interested in coming to PEA.

Why do so many people apply to Exeter?

Because lots of people apply. And most of those people are smart, and driven, and accomplished. But a lot of those people only apply because it’s Exeter.

Would you rather go to Harvard or Exeter?

Of the people who do, to a man and woman they would each be better off not necessarily at Exeter or Harvard but at an institution which best meets their needs. Someplace they feel comfortable. Someplace that works for them and for which they’re willing to work. One school simply cannot compile the best minds in every conceivable field.

What is it like to go to Exeter University?

Basically going to Exeter is something that nobody enjoys until after. It’s like the military, you’re proud you went once you’re out but during school, life can feel like hell. The student body is very competitive. I was seen as a student undeserving of getting into Yale and the jealousy was very apparent in many of my peers.

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How much information does exexeter teach?

Exeter does not really teach you alot of information, instead it teaches you something much more valuable: how to think and learn. Facts will soon be forgetten but he ability to engage others in discussion and teach yourself is something much more valuable.

Do you want to go to boarding school?

Not everybody wants to go to boarding school. Or college. Of the people who do, to a man and woman they would each be better off not necessarily at Exeter or Harvard but at an institution which best meets their needs. Someplace they feel comfortable. Someplace that works for them and for which they’re willing to work.

What is the Exeter Character Skills Assessment (CSA)?

Exeter is participating in the pilot of SSATB’s groundbreaking Character Skills Assessment (CSA). The CSA will help our admissions team understand the unique values that students will contribute to the Exeter community.