
Do objects fall at the same speed with air resistance?

Do objects fall at the same speed with air resistance?

Objects that are said to be undergoing free fall, are not encountering a significant force of air resistance; they are falling under the sole influence of gravity. Under such conditions, all objects will fall with the same rate of acceleration, regardless of their mass.

Does a ball take the same time to go up and down?

The answer is: Down. Only if there was no air resistance would the up and down times be the same.

Is time affected by air resistance?

A: When an object is dropped from rest (and we ignore air resistance) the time it takes to reach the ground depends only on the initial height and the acceleration of the object. Greater speed causes greater air resistance, and increased area increases air resistance as well. It also depends on an object’s shape.

Does it take the same amount of time for an object to go up and down?

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Both the mass of the object and the mass of the earth are the same respectively at the time when the object goes up and when the object comes back down. The gravitational force between them is equal as well. The time to go up and the time to come down would be equal as well.

Why do two balls fall at the same time?

Gravity is the force that causes things to fall to earth. Gravity causes everything to fall at the same speed. This is why balls that weigh different amounts hit the ground at the same time.

Why do balls and feathers fall at the same time?

There is more friction between the feather and the air than there is with the bowling ball. This makes it fall to the ground MUCH slower than a bowling ball.

Does it take more time for a ball to go up or down?

While coming down, the force of air drag is upward and the force of gravity is downward, so the ball’s downward acceleration has average magnitude less than g, say adown < g. . As aup > adown, so tdown > tup , thus it takes longer coming down.

Why does a ball moving upwards slow down and fall back?

It is affected by the throw (which gives the initial upward velocity) and gravity which applies a constant negative acceleration. The ball travels upward for 3 seconds, slowing down because of gravity until it reaches a stop and will begin falling.

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Does height increase air resistance?

Increasing the height of the parachute hence does not affect air resistance. But increasing the circumference of the parachute in turn increases the surface area of the parachute and it increases the air drag exerted on the parachute. Similarly for parachutes with same circumference, air resistance is same.

Does air resistance affect free fall?

With air resistance, acceleration throughout a fall gets less than gravity (g) because air resistance affects the movement of the falling object by slowing it down. How much it slows the object down depends on the surface area of the object and its speed.

How do you find the time it takes an object to fall?

Divide the falling distance by 16. For example, if the object will fall 128 feet, divide 128 by 16 to get 8. Calculate the square root of the Step 2 result to find the time it takes the object to fall in seconds.

Is time up equal to time down?

Example: (a) A person throws a ball upward into the air with an initial velocity of 15.0 m/s. Probably the easiest is to divide the distance traveled by the average velocity to get the time going up and then double this number since the motion is symmetrical—that is, time going up equals the time going down.

Does it take longer for a ball to rise or fall?

If you throw the ball at a speed that is less than its terminal velocity then the ball should take almost exactly the same time to rise as it does to fall. On the other hand, if the ball is thrown faster than its terminal velocity speed, the ball will take a longer time to fall due to it reaching terminal velocity on the way down.

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What happens to air resistance during the downward journey of a ball?

Whereas in downward journey of ball air resistance will act upward and gravity downward. Originally Answered: Consider a ball thrown vertically up.Taking air resistance into account, would you expect the time during which the ball rises to be longer or shorter then the time during which it fall?

Does air resistance affect the shape of an object?

When air resistance plays a role, the shape of the object becomes important. In air, a feather and a ball do not fall at the same rate. In the case of a pen and a bowling ball air resistance is small compared to the force a gravity that pulls them to the ground.

Why does the rise and fall of an object take longer?

So the rise takes the same time as the fall. In an atmosphere, the final velocity is lower than the projection velocity due to energy losses because of friction. So the return journey has a slower average velocity, and a longer time.