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What is Indus script in history?

What is Indus script in history?

The Indus script (also known as the Harappan script) is a corpus of symbols produced by the Indus Valley Civilization. About 90\% of the Indus script seals and inscribed objects discovered so far were found at sites in Pakistan along the Indus river, while other sites elsewhere account for the remaining 10\%.

What is the script of Indus people?

The Indus (or Harappan) people used a pictographic script. Some 3500 specimens of this script survive in stamp seals carved in stone, in moulded terracotta and faience amulets, in fragments of pottery, and in a few other categories of inscribed objects.

How did the Indus Valley civilization evolve?

The origin of Indus civilization can be dated between 5500 BC and 3500 BC. Indus civilization evolved gradually and spread across northern parts of Indian subcontinent. The discovery of Harappan seals with unknown symbols by J Fleet triggered an excavation campaign under Sir John Marshall in 1921.

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What are the characteristics of the Indus Valley script?

The number of signs in the Indus script is too small for a purely logo-graphic script (with word-signs only) and too large for a purely alphabetic or syllabic writing. Thus the Indus script is most likely to be logo-syllabic writing with a mixture of word-signs and syllables.

What do you know about the Indus script Brainly?

Answer: The Indus script is a corpus of symbols produced by the Indus Valley Civilisation. Most inscriptions containing these symbols are extremely short, making it difficult to judge whether or not these symbols constituted a script used to record a language, or even symbolise a writing system.

What is the importance of script in Indus Valley Civilization?

Some of the seals may have been used as amulets or talismans, but they also had a practical function as a marker for identification. Since writing in ancient times is generally associated with elites trying to record and control transactions, it is also believed that the Indus Script was used as an administrative tool.

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What is the origin of the Indus Valley civilization?

Its origins seem to lie in a settlement named Mehrgarh in the foothills of a mountain pass in modern-day Balochistan in western Pakistan. The rest of the map is green and is a partial map of India and the area northwest of Pakistan. Indus Valley Civilization in the Mature Harappan Phase (2600-1900 BCE).

What is history of Mohenjo-Daro?

Mohenjo-daro was built in the 26th century BCE. It was one of the largest cities of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, which developed around 3,000 BCE from the prehistoric Indus culture.

How was Indus script used?

What is the Indus script?

The Indus script is an unknown writing system, and the inscriptions discovered are very short, comprising no more than five signs on the average. With good reasons, the prospects of a successful decipherment have been considered meagre at best.

When did the Brahmi and Indus scripts start?

The Indus script was in existence not later than at the most about 1500 B.C. The earliest undisputed examples of the Brahmi script are only from the days of Ashoka, around 300 B.C.

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What type of writing did the Indus Valley Civilization use?

The Indus (or Harappan) people used a pictographic script. Some 3500 specimens of this script survive in stamp seals carved in stone, in moulded terracotta and faience amulets, in fragments of pottery, and in a few other categories of inscribed objects.

Is the evolution of Indian script independent of other scripts?

Thus evolution of Indian script may be independent of but parallel to other scripts of world. Lalita vistara mentions 64 scripts in India including Brahmi, Kharo , A ga, Va ga, Magadha, Dr vi a, Kir ta, D k i ya, Ugra or Udra script.