
Why do twin flames keep coming back to each other?

Why do twin flames keep coming back to each other?

You Keep Coming Back Together Even though they might want to separate from one another because they fight too much, they also want to keep coming back to one another, to be close, to share that feeling of sameness and closeness. It’s not always a healthy relationship, but twin flames always want to come back for more.

Can Twin Flames have a relationship?

Both twin flames and soulmates can occur in either romantic or platonic relationships, including between family members, say experts. While these relationships seem similar on the surface, they’re not the same. Twin flames are seen as a soul that’s been split in two.

Do Twin Flames “run” or chase?

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Whenever somebody mentions a Twin Flame relationship, 9 times out of 10, you will hear them use the words “running” and “chasing.” When a Twin Flame couple meet, it’s sheer bliss. But when they separate, it’s hell on earth. One of them runs. The other chases. That’s the classic dynamic.

What happens when a twin flame separates?

When a Twin Flame couple meet, it’s sheer bliss. But when they separate, it’s hell on earth. One of them runs. The other chases. That’s the classic dynamic. One twin is always running while the other is chasing them, trying to get them back.

What happens when the chaser twin stops chasing the runner?

After the chaser twin has stopped chasing, they can still reaffirm their unconditional love, presence and even support to the runner in a newly non-threatening manner. Yet, even within that, space needs to be given.

Is your twin flame cheating on You?

There’s no excuse for those behaviours, in any relationship. Especially not in a twin flame one. In a twin flame relationship, they would never hurt you or cheat on you. It’s not in their nature because they’re part of you. So don’t let the twin flame terminology and concept give them an excuse for unacceptable behaviour.