
Why should National Service be reintroduced?

Why should National Service be reintroduced?

Britain should reintroduce national service for its young men and women. It would bolster Britain’s ability to deter threats and respond to a crisis. In addition, it would give a far greater breadth of the society an insight into what the armed forces, security agencies and emergency services do.

What are the benefits of National Service?

Not only does national service provide modest financial support for school, smoothing pathways to educational institutions, but it also may enable participants to gain financial and personal resources, including health benefits; to hone their leadership, organizing, and communication skills; to connect with …

Why was National Service introduced in the UK?

The end of the Second World War did not bring an end to British military commitments abroad. To solve this manpower shortage and meet new post-war challenges, wartime conscription was extended into an obligatory period of National Service for men of military age.

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What are the disadvantages of National Service?

Disadvantages of Conscription

  • Military service can be quite hard.
  • Mental problems.
  • Physical health issues.
  • Some people may not like to conform.
  • May not be necessary in times of freedom and global cooperation.
  • Other kinds of national service might be more reasonable.
  • Military may suffer from a bad image.

Why did national service end in UK?

National Service ended gradually from 1957. It was decided that those born on or after 1 October 1939 would not be required, but conscription continued for those born earlier whose call-up had been delayed for any reason.

When did UK stop national service?

National Service ended in 1960, though periods of deferred service still had to be completed. The last national servicemen were discharged in 1963.

Why is mandatory military service good?

Mandatory military service can promote national unity in many ways. Citizens are able to understand and develop appreciation for the sacrifices that people in the military made for their country. And all of these can bring people together, especially when dealing with a cultural or political threat from other nations.

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What does national service mean?

National service is a system of either compulsory or voluntary government service, usually military service. Conscription is mandatory national service. In the United States, voluntary enrollments at the Peace Corps and AmeriCorps are also known as national service.

When and why was national service abolished in the UK?

During the 1950s national servicemen took part in various military operations in Malaya, Korea, Cyprus and Kenya. National Service ended in 1960, though periods of deferred service still had to be completed. The last national servicemen were discharged in 1963.

When did national service begin and end in the UK?

In the United Kingdom, conscription has existed for two periods in modern times. The first was from 1916 to 1920, the second from 1939 to 1960, with the last conscripted soldiers leaving the service in 1963.

Is there a draft in the UK?

Thankfully for those in the UK, the military draft is no longer in use. UK men aged 18 to 40 were required to enlist during World War I between 1916 and 1920, in what was known as Military Service.

Is mandatory military service good for a country?

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Should Britain reintroduce national service for young people?

Created with Sketch. Britain should reintroduce national service for its young men and women. Not only would this give teenagers a sense of what it means to work for their country, it would teach them new skills to help in whatever career path they ultimately pursue.

Should National Service be reinstated?

National Service keeps young adults out of trouble and teaches them discipline and respect for authority. In these times of great uncertainty we also need a standing army ready to be called in case of emergency. National Service should be reintroduced. There is No Decent Argument for This.

Is National Service a good idea?

In fact, national service is a very cost-effective way to train young people to become better citizens whilst at the same time finding people to do the dirty jobs that no-one else wants. The cost of leaving children to steal and take drugs is immense and national service would be far cheaper. No because…

Could a competitive national service approach work for Britain?

Ms Braw says a similar kind of competitive national service approach – adapted to the UK’s needs – could be used by Britain.