
How is science and religion compatible?

How is science and religion compatible?

Religion and science both offer explanations for why life and the universe exist. Science relies on testable empirical evidence and observation. Religion relies on subjective belief in a creator.

Which religion is most compatible with science?

A commonly held modern view is that Buddhism is exceptionally compatible with science and reason, or even that it is a kind of science (perhaps a “science of the mind” or a “scientific religion”).

How is science and religion different?

Science tends to concern itself with the natural or physical world – that which can be observed and measured. In contrast religion tends to concern itself with the spiritual world, many aspects of which cannot necessarily be observed and measured in a scientific extent.

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Are science and religion compatible?

science and religion are, in fact, compatible. The basic goal of science is to explain natural phenomena, explore their causes, predict their future behavior, and control the outcomes (Tavormina n.d.). Through this process, mankind gains a greater understanding of his past and gains knowledge that can be used to change the future.

Can science and religion coexist?

According to Gould, these two spheres of human need do not overlap, and so religious knowledge systems and scientific knowledge systems can exist side by side. Monotheistic religions which have a belief in one, universal God are compatible with science.

What is the relationship between science and religion according to Gould?

Stephen Jay Gould argued that science and religion were concerned with different aspects of human life which deal with different human needs. Gould argued that one human need was to understand the workings of nature, which science dealt with.

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What are some examples of Science being used in religion?

A good example of this is Fritjof Capra’s ‘ The Tao of Physics ‘. Some religions are actually based on science – The most obvious example here is scientology, which has developed devices such as the E-meter to track people’s progress towards the ‘Bridge to Total Freedom’. Sources/ find out more….