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Can you see what time someone likes something on Facebook?

Can you see what time someone likes something on Facebook?

There is no timestamp on likes. But the most recent likes are displayed on top of the liked list. What there is a datestamp on is comments. So on the same post, if there are comments on the post, there may be a likelihood the person who commented also liked the post.

Why does the same person appear on top of the likes on Facebook?

This happens because Facebook “tracks” who you chat with and looks to find a connection. So, if you have been chatting with a new friend day in, day out for a couple of days straight, the chances are that the algorithm will put that friend’s name on top of the list of likes on your posts.

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How do I count my reacts on Facebook?

When you go to any post on your page, you’ll see the three most common reactions to your page represented visually at the bottom of your post (you can see this on any post, not just your own). Hover over each reaction icon to see names of people who had that reaction.

How do you count 1k likes on Facebook?

Basically a like button will count each individual click up until 999 and then when it hits 1000 it will change to 1k then with each new click it is counted in the background but the button wont update until it reaches 2000 when it will become 2k.

Does Facebook put likes in order?

Facebook orders the friends in the like list by who liked it first. First person to like the status will be at the top of the list. For the friends list, it’s not random either. People who are considered closer to you are closer to the top of the list.

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How does Instagram decide whose name to show on likes?

The two listed names are users that you mutually engage with the most. The most common explanation is that the people you see first in your likers list are those who you engage with most, and they engage with you the most.

How do Facebook count shares?

The share count number reflects the number of appearances of a specific url within a network. Any url shared either via share buttons or directly on the corresponding network is counted and the counter increments with the same amount.

How do I count comments in a Facebook group?

To see this data, click the More Engagement Details tab. In the first engagement graph, the Posts tab shows the number of posts in your group for the selected time period. Clicking the Comments tab displays the total number of comments and the Reactions tab reveals the total reactions for the time period.

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